Never Forgotten Family Crest

The Never Forgotten Family

Creator: nightclaw
Owner: nightclaw

Members: 47

September 11th started out as a normal day for me. I woke up and walked to school just like it was a normal day. In the middle of English class everyone started looking at the window, for we could see a great plume of smoke across the river. There were tears in my teacher's eyes, she knew someone that had worked in the towers. This family is to memorialize the heroes that died that day, for our country. There are only two rules for this family- do not freeze, sell or release your eggs or pups, and to breed them as much as you can. If you need a mate, just contact me and I will do my best to find one for you.

These are named after qualities that I feel represent thier memory, such as pain and sacrifice. If you name these something else without my permission, then I will have no choice but to ban you from anything to do with me, such as my sales, future shops, etc. I really don't want this family's name tarnished, so please do not break the rules.

Our crest was made by Rosehill.


1st Generation (10)

2nd Generation (21)

3rd Generation (9)

4th Generation (3)

5th Generation (1)

6th Generation (1)