Blackwings Family Crest

The Blackwings Family

Creator: SilverDragoness
Owner: SilverDragoness

Members: 14

1. Name your creature. Its name must contain a name of one of the Yu-Gi-Oh cards. It's not necessary to contain whole name, eg. name of card is White Night Dragon, you can name your creature White Night. If you don't know any name, pm me and I can give you some suggestions.
2. No inbreeding
3. Hybrids are allowed
4. Once you have the creature, it's yours and yours only! Do not sell, freeze, gift or release it!
5. You may sell or gift the offspring
6. Do not freeze or release any creature, rather send it back to me!
7. Hey, they are not keep decorations - so breed them!
Crest made by Eboli


1st Generation (7)

2nd Generation (4)

3rd Generation (1)