Kringle Family Crest

The Kringle Family

Creator: FennecFyre
Owner: FennecFyre

Members: 24

Well, my elk FINALLY had a family. Hooray!

The Kringles are known for having Christmas spirit all year long. You can often see them on Christmas Eve, decorating Christmas trees, or leading a group of magis and creatures in a carol (Even though the magi's can't really understand them, as they don't speak human. But nevertheless, they have strong, pretty voices.) Just a precaution, be good around them, because they know someone who's making a list and checking it twice.

1. Give your Kringle a Christmas-y name.
3. Santa frowns upon those who sell my Kringles for profit. You can give them away as prizes for art contests, gifts, or trades, nothing more.


1st Generation (7)

2nd Generation (13)

3rd Generation (2)