Reinheit Family Crest

The Reinheit Family

Creator: Kinkajou
Owner: Kinkajou

Members: 3

The Reinheit family is known for their stubborn perseverance and undying will to succeed in all their endeavors. A Reinheit is a very proud being, one not to be crossed, for fear of finding a hoofprint on your throat. Renheits are hard workers and very reliable; if a strenuous job needs to be done, call upon a Reinheit. They also make very good secret-keepers, as they aren't the type to gossip. Reinheits are like the earth: proud and strong, unshakable in their faith.

Reinheit= "Pride" in German
Crede quod habes, et habes= "Believe That You Have It, And You Do" in Latin

Fess (Stripe)= honor
Purple= royal majesty, sovereignty, justice
Blue= strength, loyalty, truth
Orange= worthy ambition
Silver= sincerity, peace
Deer= harmony


1st Generation (1)