Acts of Kindness Family Crest

The Acts of Kindness Family

Creator: Jenn
Owner: Jenn

Members: 136

Inspired by far too many people to name. Ones I know online, ones I know in real life. Ones I met online who led to a meeting in real life. I love you all, and this lineage is to commemorate all you do for others without ever thinking of yourselves.

I want this lineage to have as many species in it as possible. Yes, breed Manticores, Chimeras, Ibex (get one of these in the lineage and get a cookie!), Capricorns of all types, albinos, yes!

Name your baby something appropriate - Random in any language is fine. Anything that would describe Acts of Kindness.
Diversity is key.

The only things you CAN'T do :
Freeze eggs or hatchlings. I want to see NO icicles!
Release eggs or hatchlings - By golly if you accidentally freeze one, PLEASE send it to Belmos or to me!
Please do NOT breed inbred creatures into this lineage. I'd prefer their mates be even gen with them or lowest possible gen.


1st Generation (23)

2nd Generation (23)

3rd Generation (18)

4th Generation (24)

5th Generation (31)

6th Generation (10)

7th Generation (4)

8th Generation (1)