ShiningGem Family Crest

The ShiningGem Family

Creator: Dragon131
Owner: Dragon131

Members: 3

The ShiningGem family is known for the beautiful gemstones that adorn their bodies. While all Crystalwings' gems are considered gorgeous and rare items, the gems of the ShiningGem Crystalwings are some of the biggest, most coveted jewels in the world. They are not only wanted because of their size and beauty, but also because the gems on ShiningGem family enhance magical abilities. The gems are stocked with magical energy that can allow even the weakest of magi to become some of the most powerful with magic. It is unfortunate, however, that because the gems of the ShiningGem family are so coveted the Crystalwings of this family are often hunted for their gems. This has made the Crystalwings of this family extremely wary of humans and very solitary, often times only keeping company with other family members.

Crest by Rosehill


1st Generation (1)