el tiempo infinito Family Crest

The el tiempo infinito Family

Creator: Sakai
Owner: Sakai

Members: 75

el tiempo infinito rules:

1.) Follow all MS-family rules
2.) Do not freeze it!
3.) Do not release it - if you don't want to have a creature of this family any longer - trade it back to me (Sakai) ^^
4.) You have to breed it with one other GOLDEN Gryphon (only with them!!!) - do not breed them with a Gryphon of another colour or a Pegasus or a Phoenix or something else!! - and give the first offspring of them to someone else - for free!
5.) Do not inbreed these creatures and do not breed it with any other lineaged creature!
6.) Give the creature a SPANISH name!
6a.) You can find some Spanish names here:
male: http://www.babysitio.com/babynombre/babynombre_letra.php?letra=A&seleccion_sexo=M
female: http://www.babysitio.com/babynombre/babynombre_letra.php?letra=A&seleccion_sexo=F
Thank you very much for that links 1dream <3


1st Generation (18)

2nd Generation (14)

3rd Generation (10)

4th Generation (13)

5th Generation (4)

6th Generation (4)

7th Generation (3)

8th Generation (3)

9th Generation (2)

10th Generation (1)

11th Generation (1)