World Edge Family Crest

The World Edge Family

Creator: patapon706
Owner: Hollimyst

Members: 10

Ashenwing and Tylia was captured by a Stranger and was forced to help the Stranger fly to the Edge of the World.But at the end,the Stranger was too proud and too rough to poor Ashenwing and Tylia,shouting that Ashenwing and Tylia was too weak to fly to the Edge of the World,and hit them with a whip, hoping this will make them fly faster.Tylia and Ashenwing became angered,though, and bucked the Stranger off.Because of the Journey,World Edge Griffins have increased wingspan and higher Flight Endurance.In a matter,though,and with someone they trust,Ashenwing and Tylia WILL fly to the Edge of the World.

Please no relesing or freezing eggs.I don't mind the Hatchlings,but not the eggs.If there is a Griffin you don't want,please give it back.


1st Generation (4)

2nd Generation (3)

3rd Generation (1)