of Drama Llamas Family Crest

The of Drama Llamas Family

Creator: Zunami
Owner: Zunami

Members: 11

So what is a Drama Llama?
I'm sure you all know, but just in case:

.... A person who randomly throws their drama on others, in the same way a llama randomly spits.
Often the term is also used on the web to describe drama brought along on internet communities, mainly of the ridiculous or trolling type.

Ever so gentle and silent the Drama Llamas walk around the magi domains. Determined to eliminate drama of all kinds. Always on their toes the Drama Llamas are proud and honored to have been given such a noble task. When provoked they will spit and use their powerful hooves. Thus making sure no drama king or queen will ever dare to cross the borders of good behavior ever again.

Be careful or you will suffer their terrible wrath. ~~ Semper Vigilans ~~

Breed with either Shopborns or 1st gens. Both Southern and Western Alasre Alpaca are welcome.


1st Generation (6)

2nd Generation (3)