of the Justice Clan Family Crest

The of the Justice Clan Family

Creator: watchoutforice
Owner: watchoutforice

Members: 8

Created in honor of the victims of the tragedy of 9/11/01, both Progenitors were born on 9/11/10. Respectfully, the creator requests that all offspring be named in memory of and in honor of passengers, flight crews, or Pentagon victims (there is a list available here -- http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/metro/specials/attacked/victims/viclist.html). There are no other rules than that. If you have one you do not wish to keep, please consider gifting it back to the creator of the line rather than simply releasing it?

One of three sister clans -- the Justice Clan for the Pentagon, the Freedom Clan for United Airlines Flight 93 (the flight that crashed when the passengers fought back), and the Memorial Clan for the Twin Towers.


1st Generation (5)

2nd Generation (1)