on the Wing Family Crest

The on the Wing Family

Creator: Meldream
Owner: Meldream

Members: 38

General Rules:
- Do not freeze failed breedings
- Do not freeze in general
- Do not inbreed
- Do not release

If you have...
1st Generation: Phoenixes only, by definition. Breed with a Gryphon!
2nd Generation: Fire Gryphons, but some Gryphon and Phoenix failbreeds. Breed with Pegasi to make Hippogryphs, Gryphons to make Fire Gryphons, and Ice Phoenixes to make Ice Gryphons!
3rd Generation: Solar and Natural Hippogryphs, Ice and Fire Gryphons, and perhaps a few failbreeds still? Breed with Hippogryphs and Pegasi to make more Hippogryphs, Gryphons to make Fire Gryphons, and Ice Phoenixes to make Ice Gryphons!
4th Generation: If you have a Lunar Hippogryph now, congratulations! Breed whatever you have with whatever you desire.

<3 Enjoy!


1st Generation (4)

2nd Generation (11)

3rd Generation (11)

4th Generation (4)

5th Generation (3)

6th Generation (1)

7th Generation (2)