Of the True Keep Family Crest

The Of the True Keep Family

Creator: PKGriffin
Owner: PKGriffin

Members: 12

There is a tale that tells of a mage by the name of Haeciana, a witch who once studied in the Keep but fell into necromancy and dark arts. The very essence of horror in the countryside, she was famed for sending plagues of rats to demolish crops, lighting the skies afire with magic, and even poisoning the stream. Just as she was about to lead a massive wizard war, two creatures who had been with her since she was a child made her reconsider. Nav and Nethaefarason, Haeciana's pair of Gryphons, refused to let even one dark mage from the army through, and they likewise disallowed the benevolent magi from striking back. Flying, entwined with each other down the breaking lines of infantry, the two Gryphons slowly managed to cause all of the warriors to lay down their weapons, even Haeciana, thus ending the battle and unifying the two groups of magi. The famous Gryphon pair is said to still live in the Keep, their offspring still found under the care of many magi, both dark and light.


1st Generation (8)

2nd Generation (2)