Treeling Family Crest

The Treeling Family

Creator: Mathcat
Owner: Mathcat

Members: 16

Thakur was the first to recognize the potential of tropical tarsiers, with their clever minds and nimble fingers, and now it's rare to see a Named panther without a Treeling companion. Treeling tarsiers are less affectionate with people than most tropical tarsiers, as a result of having spent more time when young with Thakur and his kin than with humans, and are happiest when their magi owner has a Telvian panther to keep them company.

(Companion lineage to Of the Named. Based on Clare Bell's Books of the Named - out of print (and definitely young adult+), but well worth tracking down.)

Family rules

No egg freezing
No releasing


1st Generation (12)

2nd Generation (2)