of Lon Lon Ranch Family Crest

The of Lon Lon Ranch Family

Creator: GamingGal
Owner: Pok

Members: 16

A large field is enclosed by a wooden fence. A little girl and her father are standing by the gate to the field. They smile and wave you over. As you get closer, you see many horses running around in the enclosure. Ponies run around as well, but they are few and far between.

"Howdy! My name is Malon and this is my papa, Talon. We run this ranch!" The girl says. You thank her and ask if there is a chance you could get one of the rare Lon Lon Horses. She laughs and nods. "Here at Lon Lon Ranch we breed the finest horses and ponies. More horses than ponies, though. People from all over ask for our horses, even the King and Princess! But I'm rambling, on to how to care for our horses."

1. Do not release, use for quest, or freeze
2. If you want a pony (frozen hatchling), let me know
3. Name and care for your horse.
4. Breed them

She smiles and motions to her papa. Talon looks up from his doze and grins. "Here, let me show you the horses!"

Family rules

No egg freezing
No hatchling freezing
No releasing


1st Generation (10)

2nd Generation (3)

3rd Generation (1)