Genkina Yukito Family Crest

The Genkina Yukito Family

Creator: Misaki
Owner: Misaki

Members: 9

Genkina Yukito is Cheerful/Energetic Snow Bunny in japanese. That was the first name I though of when I saw them lol.


1. Please don't sell it to anyone! If you don't want it please sent it back to me or gift it to someone else!
2. Please don't freeze any member of this family.
3. Please no inbreeding and only bred the creature from this family with non lineage Snow Shoe Jackalope!
4. Please don't release any of the member in this family, If you don't want it please sent it back to me!
5. Please name it after you get it.

Thanks for reading the rules for the Genkina Yukito Family!


1st Generation (5)

2nd Generation (2)