the Steampunk Platy Family Crest

The the Steampunk Platy Family

Creator: Faeryl
Owner: Faeryl

Members: 21

Usually, Lakiran Platypodes are known to be bearers of luck and good fortune, and love nothing more than the company of others. Being social creatures, they live in larger groups and enjoy the brigh sunny days near Lake Lakira.

This family, however, seems somehow different; A Steampunk Platy is never seen with the others on the lakeside. They live among themselves, in a secluded, subterrestrial area of the keep, watched by a special family of Golden Pearl Wyrms. Their home is filled with extraordinary items: Plates of copper and brass lie close to a multitude of cogs and screws, lined with gems and fine golden emblems. A fine mist envelopes the platypodes who work in perfect silence, creating weird and unique machinery which astonish any Magi permitted to enter their realm.


1st Generation (1)

2nd Generation (5)

3rd Generation (8)

4th Generation (5)