of the Brass League Family Crest

The of the Brass League Family

Creator: Faeryl
Owner: Munin

Members: 11

Back in ancient times, where the first Magi started to settle down along the bank of the Stream and founded what today is widely knows as the Keep, a secret order was born, deep in the dark caverns under Lake Lakira. The members of the order, golden Pearl Wyrms, vowed to protect the wisdom of a science unbeknownst to human kind against all odds they might face; And since these days, the Brass League existed, often hidden in shadows and veiled in the mist of legends.

Noble and fierce, these Pearl Wyrms stand against all enemies of the Steampunk Platypodes whom they offered uncondicial protection. They are as beautiful as they are proud, and will never bow their heads to a Magi undeserving of their support. If one manages to gain their trust, however, they can count on a strong companion and ally, both in terms of fighting and valuable advice.

*Creator's Notes: Please keep the lineage golden; No other colours are allowed. :) *


1st Generation (8)

2nd Generation (1)