Ice Weavers Family Crest

The Ice Weavers Family

Creator: SeaCrest
Owner: Thyme

Members: 62

The Ice Weavers Family was founded by White and Lightning, two Albino Direwolves. The rare Albino Ice Weavers have the ability to control the element of Ice, hence their name. Although there are normal Direwolves born to the family, they do not have their Albino relatives' abilities but, instead, they act as guardians and protectors of their Elemental kin.

Long ago, during a very dark time, several of the lineage newborns were lost when an evil Mage tried to steal the Ice Weaver's elemental abilities. With their firstborn, Shandra to act as guard and warrior, her parents were finally able to to craft a Spell Of Ice that defeated the evil mage and released the magic taken from the families' stolen offspring. Since then, the family have lived peacefully, using their magic and guardian instincts to keep others safe from harm.


No inbreeding
No further freezing
No further releasing


1st Generation (17)

2nd Generation (20)

3rd Generation (8)

4th Generation (6)

5th Generation (6)

6th Generation (2)

7th Generation (1)