of the Dragon Family Crest

The of the Dragon Family

Creator: SeaCrest
Owner: SeaCrest

Members: 3

Sakkri-Ra was a powerful Red Dragon Koi. Taking Drayan, an Amethyst Capricorn, as her mate, Sakkri-Ra laid a Red Dragon Capricorn egg. Soon, she founded the family 'of the Dragon,' meaning that those who bear this name show Dragon Koi or Dragon Capricorn characteristics. All her descendants will bear the hyphenated suffix -Ra.

~Release all those who are not dragon koi or dragon capricorns
~Only breed to other dragon capricorns or dragon koi
~Do not inbreed
~Do not freeze eggs and hatchlings
~Name all of the Dragon descendants something-Ra
~Always offer of the Dragon offspring back to me, SeaCrest, if you do not want them
~Please share! But make sure new owners know the rules!


1st Generation (1)