Schroedinger Family Crest

The Schroedinger Family

Creator: Keolah
Owner: Fin

Members: 58

You all know the philosophical/quantum physics thought riddle of Schrödinger’s cat, right?
There’s a cat in a box along with some poison, Geiger counter and a little bit of radioactive substance. We can’t see into the box, so we don’t know if the cat is alive, or dead.
According to Schrödinger, in that moment of uncertainty and unknowing, the cat is both – alive and dead simultaneously.
It is not until we open the lid and discover the cat either alive and well, or dead that it actually becomes a single state of being.

You want to know more and knot your brain ?

* Progenitors now hold by "Fin"
* Please send unwanted Schroedinger Cats to me, Fin or Master Belmos, do not release
* Does Reality exist?

Family rules

No releasing
No breeding with other lineages


1st Generation (21)

2nd Generation (20)

3rd Generation (9)

4th Generation (4)

5th Generation (2)