with Gratitude Family Crest

The with Gratitude Family

Creator: KooshyKoKo
Owner: KooshyKoKo

Members: 9

Have you ever been given anything by a selfless magi?
Have you found yourself wishing they'd accept something in return for what they gave you?
Some small token of gratitude, a few gold pieces or some stream born common creature?

This is hopefully where this family will come in.
A family of stream born Koi, these creatures are quite common, have little value to many, and are thereby harder to refuse.

-Please give in return to those that give
-Please keep this family Koi, though if you feel some selfless magi would accept a Capricorn, by all means give them what they'll accept.
-Please don't hoard them, breeding stockpiles because you know tons of people that deserve them is ok though.


1st Generation (3)

2nd Generation (3)

3rd Generation (1)