Evil DustBunnies Family Crest

The Evil DustBunnies Family

Creator: Raven
Owner: Raven

Members: 19

Oh look, SOooo Bun Bun CUTE!!! - "Oh, but wait"...??... "What are those Buns doing???" o.o? Does that rabbit have an axe??
Maybe they are on a quest or something? ... Maybe on their way to find that hidden Holy Grail??

Or Maaaaybeeee????

OMG!! .....(((RUN AWAY!!!)))

Though, these bunnies look cute and innocent, they are real tired of everyone poking them and swooning over them.

Known as the gang "Evil DUSTBUNNIES!!"

They have now vowed to swarm Magi and take their revenge.
~It's not what's on the outside "all the cuteness" but what's within they say "blood hungry beasties"~

You too can spread the Evilness not only in your keep but ALL across Magi as well.... Muahahahahaha!!!

Please spread them FREELY..... If you see someone making money on these please inform them and me. They may not know gift rules or could have bought from another person.


1st Generation (8)

2nd Generation (7)

3rd Generation (2)