Gin Kegawa Family Crest

The Gin Kegawa Family

Creator: lamel
Owner: sellerie

Members: 17

Gin Kegawa is japanese and means silverfur. Because of a genetic speciallity the golden/normal offspring is impotent and can't breed, only the Albino-Offspring is breedable - - - edit: because only Albinos can breed with Albinos, i change this, all Gin Kegawas are allowed to breed, but please prefer the Albinos to breed on, thanks. - - -
If you have an Albino Gin Kegawa in your keep, the feeling of loneliness will be distributed and you will always have a warm shoulder to lean on, they give you Consolation, whenever you need.

- don't freeze or release please
- don't sell, only gift to others
- prefer the albinos to breed on
- the Partner of Your Gin Kegawa can be breeded in every gen, but please don't mix with other families
thanks for respecting the family-rules

Family rules

No egg freezing
No hatchling freezing
No releasing
No breeding with other lineages


1st Generation (6)

2nd Generation (5)

3rd Generation (4)