the Slayers Family Crest

The the Slayers Family

Creator: The_PrincessCat
Owner: The_PrincessCat

Members: 22

This is a tribute to DnD 4e (slayers is a class in 4e)

1) No Inbreeding
2) No Duplicate Names. You can use ctr-f to find out if a name has been used. You may reuse a name if its been 5 generations since its last use.
3) NAME them please
4) No breeding w/other lineages
5) DO NOT RELEASE A BABY (send it back to me please!)
6) DO NOT FREEZE ANY! If it gets to a special percentage, PLEASE pm me and hide the HATCHLING in trade while I answer your question! I will allow SOME exceptions to this rule if I approve it only!

I will blacklist for breaking these rules!Any serious infraction of the rules will result in blacklisting. Please do not make me do this, you will be ban you from all my other lineages and asked to return any creature that you have of my lineages.


1st Generation (2)

2nd Generation (5)

3rd Generation (5)

4th Generation (5)

5th Generation (2)

6th Generation (1)