Keyes Family Crest

The Keyes Family

Creator: The_PrincessCat
Owner: The_PrincessCat

Members: 8

I feel horrible for having the extreme urge to cross over two completely different story lines, but here it is. Isabella Keyes is one of the main characters from Dead Rising and Jacob Keyes is one of the main characters from the Halo series. Their two first babies are also named after them. You don't have to name them based off of these games, but it is important to know the origin of the first four Keyes.

1) No Inbreeding
2) No Duplicate Names
4) No breeding w/other lineages
5) DO NOT RELEASE A BABY (send it back to me please!)
6) DO NOT FREEZE ANY BABY! It makes me very sad to see these in ANY lineage!
I will blacklist for breaking these rules!


1st Generation (2)

2nd Generation (4)