Snow Silk Family Crest

The Snow Silk Family

Creator: Yunyi
Owner: Yunyi

Members: 33

Deep within the north Alasre mountains, the Snow Silk pack resides. The weather is frigid, icy; unlike most direwolves, however, the Snow Silks are able to survive in the subzero temperatures of the mountains. Their thick coats protect them from the biting teeth of the harsh winds; many even have silvery-white coats to match the snows behind them.

In the summer, when the snow melts, one can often find tangles of thick, silky white or brown fur caught in brambles. This fur is the fur of the Snow Silks, and if enough is collected, one can weave a blanket or clothes. Anything woven from the fur is guaranteed to protect one from the bitterest snows and cold; the fur of the Snow Silks is a greatly contested for material.


1st Generation (13)

2nd Generation (13)

3rd Generation (3)

4th Generation (1)

5th Generation (1)