Lupin Family Crest

The Lupin Family

Creator: crookshankster
Owner: Tinni

Members: 40

Of all direwolves, already known for strength, none were as strong as young Remus. But though Remus loved his family fiercely he still felt incomplete: he yearned for a mate of his own.

Moving through the forest one night, the full moon bright overhead, he came upon another wolf. They faced each other across the clearing and Remus was struck by her size and grace. She showed him her teeth and when he advanced, she leapt on him.

She soon overwhelmed him, but he bared his belly so he could ask her about her strength. She told him her name—Roma—and that she was a werewolf. As they spoke, she showed him her magic. They spent the night together but Remus woke alone and returned home disappointed.

Time passed and one day Roma came to the Keep with three pups. She brought them to Remus, their father, and agreed to stay as his mate. Since then the Lupin pack has become legendary for their strength, bravery, and magic.

Crest: Rosehill
Story: Sochitelya


1st Generation (10)

2nd Generation (16)

3rd Generation (6)

4th Generation (3)

5th Generation (3)