Stormy Ocean Family Crest

The Stormy Ocean Family

Creator: Monty
Owner: Monty

Members: 35

The Members of the Stormy Ocean family are very dreaded from Fishers and Ship Capatains. Whereever they are, they make Storms. Mostly Hurricanes. They like their status as the most Dangerous Creatures in the Sea.
But whenever you get a member as Gift it will be your best Friend and will protect you. So becarefull what you do with the Stormy Ocean member. They are good Friends for Humans. But only as long as they will retur the Favor.

No Freezing
No Inbreeding
No Releasing
Try to name you Stormy Ocean.
Breed with all Colors you can.
Breed only with Streamborns/Shopborns/ 1st gen Oceans


1st Generation (14)

2nd Generation (12)

3rd Generation (4)

4th Generation (2)

5th Generation (1)