Inugami Family Crest

The Inugami Family

Creator: silflame
Owner: silflame

Members: 6

Hailing from the far eastern shores of the world, the Inugami clan of Tenera Dogs are unrivaled in their grace and beauty. They are curious and seek the knowledge of all things, travelling far and wide in their search. While an Inugami, like all of their kin, tend to be mischievous and spontaneous, none can match up to their unshakable loyalty to their magi and masters.

Aside from the strange ability to detect and attract wealth, Inugami are also able to sense the true nature of the things around them, more so than the common Tenera Dog. Illusions and concealment rarely deceive them, and their inclination to the combative artes also allows them to protect their masters from those who wish them harm.

-Breed with SB/first gen Tenera Dogs
-Please try to avoid inbreeding/freezing/releasing


1st Generation (3)

2nd Generation (1)