Futureborne Family Crest

The Futureborne Family

Creator: Myrin
Owner: Myrin

Members: 22

Almost from hatching Gabriel and Evangeline were inseparable, and it was expected they would breed a fine, large family. Then disasters forced their magi companions to separate lands, and the loyal little dragons followed their friends. One crisis lead to another, and soon they could not find each other anymore. But they never stopped looking, chasing hopeful rumors only to be diverted again.

Not until the Great Mage War were the two reunited, now battle-hardened Ancients. Despite the years between them, the Rewins still knew each other, and their joyous reunion touched their magi friends deeply. So much did the magi regret the long separation, they decided to give their friends that lost time. They pooled their power with like-minded magi and opened a portal into the past. The Rewins lead a host of whatever creatures would go back to a more peaceful age. Here they might have the life fate nearly cost them – and maybe warn the people to prepare for what would come.


1st Generation (9)

2nd Generation (8)

3rd Generation (2)

4th Generation (1)