Viewing JugadorA's Creatures
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- Image
- Name
- Species
- Info
- Progress
- unnamed
- Serf Fortis Beetle
- Female Hatchling
Stage: 44.06%Overall: 71.49%
- unnamed
- Serf Fortis Beetle
- Female Hatchling
Stage: 38.47%Overall: 68.64%
- unnamed
- Serf Fortis Beetle
- Female Hatchling
Stage: 29.91%Overall: 64.28%
- unnamed
- Serf Fortis Beetle
- Female Hatchling
Stage: 22.79%Overall: 60.65%
- unnamed
- Serf Fortis Beetle
- Male Hatchling
Stage: 2.92%Overall: 50.53%
- unnamed
- Imperial Fortis Beetle
- Male Hatchling
Stage: 38.98%Overall: 68.97%
- unnamed
- Imperial Fortis Beetle
- Male Hatchling
Stage: 2.14%Overall: 50.22%
- unnamed
- Foenaran Nimbii
- Female Hatchling
Stage: 11.78%Overall: 52.36%
- unnamed
- Molten Dynastis
- Adult Male
Stage: 100%Overall: 100%