Rerelease of old retired creatures

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Rerelease of old retired creatures

Post by Rosehill »

As of today we're introducing a couple of new things in order to bring mainly retired creatures from past events more available.

The World map has two new tributary locations:

Lake Lakira - The Lake Lakira location in the World map: This tributary now holds all those stream creatures that are not in any other tributary. The Stream (i.e. the stream that is accessible through the main navigation and header bar) continues to hold each and every stream creature. The Main Stream will also be the only place where the Platypi flood. Any new stream releases, be they permanent or event related, will also only flood the Main Stream and not any tributaries.

The Riparian Forest - The "event" tributary, located earlier at the Keep location at the world map already made a debut and offered a taste of things to come during this year's Magiversary event when past years' crystalwings appeared there. That tributary is now permanent, and located at the Riparian Forest. The Riparian Forest tributary will feature creatures from past events (mostly those that flooded the stream during events). The Riparian Forest tributary will have the same selection of creatures every three months in a row, after which a new set of creatures will appear.

A new Quest:

A new repeatable quest, similar to the Grass Forest is available in the Riparian Forest. You can repeat the quest every twelve (12) hours. In order to get a creature from the quest you need to have available egg space in your Keep. The quest will have the same selection of creatures (mostly past event creatures that were in shops or quests) three months in a row, after which a new set of creatures will appear, if there are applicable creatures for it.

The creatures from past events will appear in the following cycles:

August, September, October: Creatures from past Halloween events are available
November, December, January: Creatures from past Harvest Festivals, Winter Solstice events and New Years are available
February, March, April: Creatures from past Valentines events, Spring events and April Fools are available
May, June, July: Creatures from past Magiversaries are available.

This means the following retired creatures are now available for the duration of August, September, and October:
Riparian Forest, tributary: Riparian Forest, new Quest: Creatures related to the season that can be gotten by using an item (Keep Spider, Khadakhad Daant, Erebine Phoenix, Giant Jack-o-Lantern, Spectral Mawdracon), or by hatching appearing creatures (Dead Decessus, Decaying Mortifelis) are not specifically available by other means than their corresponding item or hatching.

Hold on, what about limited non-event quest creatures and past event giftborn creatures?!

We are working on making these more available as well. The new Riparian Forest tributary and the new Quest focus on those retired or limited creatures that were available in the stream or in the shops during past events. Other limited or retired creatures will also become more available in the future.

Egg slot increase and tributary quick links:

Due to more creatures now being available in general, the amount of eggs you can get from non-donation sources has been raised by one. That means you can get up to six eggs from the stream, breeding, tributaries, shops, and quests that take into account the egg limit. In addition to that you can get four more eggs if those eggs are donation creature eggs. This means you can have a total of up to ten (10) eggs as long as at least the last four you pick up are donation eggs.

A quick link list of every tributary is now available under every tributary, and the Main Stream. This is to make it easier to switch from a tributary to another without needing to go through the World map, or World map location list (if you are on mobile view).

Final notice!

The site has had some layout adjustments, and those may make the site look wonky to some people. If you see a weird double egg row on the stream or on the tributaries, or if you see all tributary links under the streams underneath one another instead of next to each other please clear your browser's cache or hard refresh magistream on your browser! Please check this post for more details: viewtopic.php?p=23776251#p23776251

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