Be Anthing You Want OOC Thread.

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Re: Be Anthing You Want OOC Thread.

Post by UniquePain »

Also, apart from that last post, can we all have out own zilly weapon and Homestuck title? If so I want something awesome, and my title is the Knight of Space of course!!!
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Re: Be Anthing You Want OOC Thread.

Post by Elfie »

*Elfie who is too freakin' amazingly awesome a mere title would do her a great injustice regards High councilor and Knight of Space Unique. She lowers her dragon headed cane into one hand majestically*
You bring forth a fair and just point, which is why my butt is planted firmly in neutral territory. I understand and respect the mighty fact BAYW has always been an accepting RP for all who wander the web seeking RP amusement. And as mentioned beforehand not many foolish souls hold the capacity to withstand our blinding marvelousness.
HOWEVER, if there is one great factoid I've learned in my 19 short years: change is unavoidable. Should we subjugate ourselves and waste our energies in merging newbies into the RP without first evaluating their worth? Should we run the risk of admitting power players into our midst? I still strongly believe the RP has evolved to such a state were the intake of new members can be refined. Then again, who really cares???
On the subject of plagiarized chars, I couldn't give two shits if someone brought in a whole tone of fan inspired characters. So unless someone wishes to bring the matter forth for further discussion I decree the topic CLOSED.

As for Quaint his whole life revolves around making stochastic remarks, he's special.
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Re: Be Anthing You Want OOC Thread.

Post by Elfie »

UniquePain wrote:Also, apart from that last post, can we all have out own zilly weapon and Homestuck title? If so I want something awesome, and my title is the Knight of Space of course!!!
Whoa this just come out of nowhere! Ninja post *Narrows eyes*
I second this idea! I'll add all titles and weapons to the front. . .Hmm we should make it into something of an initializing ceremony!
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Re: Be Anthing You Want OOC Thread.

Post by UniquePain »

Can I have zilly wands?! Since my main character is a witch?

*the Knight strokes her chin thoughtfully as she takes in her fellow council members points, tapping one of her wands on the podium* alright then, if we are to change our acceptance process what criteria must be met to join our dark carnival? We should consult with her honorable Tyranny SpiritWalker on this at once. And if we do come across ones considered 'power players' we should give them a fair trial before this council before dismissing such a character.
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Re: Be Anthing You Want OOC Thread.

Post by Elfie »

Cause, suits you ^^ I shall muse over my HS title and zillium weapon. Any suggestions since I'm at odds with reviewing myself for just about anything?

*Elfie nods in accordance, The Knight of Space speaks well*
The matter will be brought to the creators attention, I will endeavor to skype her when time permits.
I envision criteria in the way of a short RP sample to prove a newbie's merit, it will be a concise and effective way of sifting through the hopefuls.
And yes, indeed a fair trial will ensure for all who powerplay or create a Mary/gary sue. In my opinion trail should be conducted by way of strikes and group discussion.
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Re: Be Anthing You Want OOC Thread.

Post by UniquePain »

I think you should have a zilly bow, you seem to have an affinity for them ^^ thoughts? And didnt you say what your title was at some point?

*the Knight smiles brightly, something not uncommon to her Spaceyness, her black cape shifts as she sits up* I concur with this suggestion, the rp snippit should be posted in this courtroom and we will all have one post on our thoughts as well as our vote, the votes will then be tallied to see if the hopeful shall be accepted or not.
I also agree on your trial methods. It can be a similar procedure to an acceptance ceremony where the offender shall plea their case in one post then the accuser makes a post against them, the high council members will then each make a post with their vote and an explanation for their vote. All in favor of this motion?
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Re: Be Anthing You Want OOC Thread.

Post by Elfie »

Your dead right, it was between a sword or a bow but the bow's gonna win, thank you ^^ And yeah, I took the test a few times at irregular intervals and I keep circulating between Slyph of Light, Mage of Light and Mage of Heart so IDK. Then I typed my name into a generator and got Maid of Time, gah I dislike splitting my choices like this, nothing ever suits me *Grumbles*

*Elfie dips her head in acknowledgement, her dragon cane rising in agreement majestically*
Your procedure is accepted and shall be made official once High councilor Ilton castes his vote to these new rules.

Onto a new topic to be passed before the eyes of the Great SECRET RUMPUS COUNCIL FACTORY, I deem it is time for a mascot to portray our esteemed thread. Thoughts? Suggestions? Opinions?

Also, what say you members to a Christmas themed mini-adventure hosted perhaps on Chicken Smoothie for nostalgic benefits? I have a drafted plot in mind. It of cause will be separate from the main RP.

Update: Added UniquePain's formal title to front page.
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Re: Be Anthing You Want OOC Thread.

Post by ilton »

Yeah. Some like vanellope just don't fit into this at all without some fine tuning. That's about as good as SUDDENLY SHREK. It would be all ogre then. Enough said. I move they get a trial period of rping here with us before they begin pay- I mean have their quality of posting critiqued and evaluated by the secret rumpus council factory

I, Ilton, page of space, shall wield the mighty DUAL UNLOADED IMAGES OF ZILLYPEG!! I reach one hand into each of them and take hold of it by a part you can't see because it will always face you, always right side up with the outline and little-paper-with-shapes icon in the corner. I will then proceed to beat my opponent's face in with them, or use them to smite my opponent with powers they cannot see or begin to comprehend because of RESTRICTIONS IN PLACE ON THE NETWORK!

Also, uni, you're thinking of the thistles of zillywich.

I think the mascot should be larzire. She's just so scaley and cuddly, who else could it be? Except maybe the unnamed wasp, but I'm presumably being held at gunpoint by larzire as I write this post anyway, so sssshhhh I never mentioned it as a contestant.
Site advertises dragon eggs. Two beetles, a slug and a gryphon. Wat.

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Re: Be Anthing You Want OOC Thread.

Post by Elfie »

*Elfie taps a finger to her chin thoughtfully*
Yes Page of Space, that is a nicely proposed move to add to our code. I set the trial period to 4 weeks (28 days) unless prier evaluation is made on the behalf of the hopeful to waver this allocated time. During this period hopefuls are required to be active (the minim one post per day) for 3 weeks out of 4 to gain full membership status depending on the case.
To concisely revise:

  • BAYW will become forever "considering"
    New members must provide a short RP example
    We shall discuss admittance of the new member by way of vote casting
    Accepted hopefuls will undergo a trial period of 4 weeks. Once elevated to "full' member status they will be given a rank and god tier title (depending on HS knowledge).

All in favor say aye! All opposed or have further suggestions/observations voice your opinions!

*Elfie grins at the Page of Space and waves her dragon cane in his face majestically*
Zillium weapon is accepted, and very creative I might add. Your title will be updated in due time.
Also I was musing over the possibility of having unique titles instead of being encompassed under the one heading "High Councilor" What say my fellow RPers? Of cause High Councilor is an awesome title and I don't mind keeping it aboard for all of us.

As for Larzire being the Mascot (and mascot topic in general). . .I'll get back to that momentarily.
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Re: Be Anthing You Want OOC Thread.

Post by HowIBecameTheSea »

OK, first off- Elfie, my fantroll has the same tier as you *narrows eyes* second- where are you getting your titles from? Third- I am super-dooper sorry for not being on lately.

Would someone mind explaining this all to me slowly? I've been relatively brain dead since the formal night.

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