MadameRed wrote:Ships ships ships what are your ships?
Caught up on Nanders and Fenders right now. I'm just.. I'm on an Anders kick right now, probably because I'm writing an Anders piece atm..
Nanders or Fenders eh? Hm. Nanders=Bromance and Fenders=Rivalmance? Hawt.
My ships eh? Usually Crack Pairings
I Ship Anders with cats(They bring out the best in him).
Maybe Sebastian(BlackButler) and Anders owning a cat clinic/adoption center together?
Come to think of it, my ships are usually of the crack variety, cause ship myself X Current obsession...+I'm a dragon, so I hoard things..or people. If they're not with me, they're with whoever they would, that would most amuse me, or I ship two characters I dislike in a ship, that would cause most grief to one or more ;D
I ship DeidaraXNeji for the Shampoo commercial...for that reason...
VivienneXMerril just to frustrate Vivi. Or SeraxVivi...Maybe they'd balance each other out...Order with Chaos.
Hm...LelianaXJosephine maybe, they seem adorable together, one always in the spotlight, one in the shadows?
Fenders sounds like a perfect match right about now, looks like Fenris is possessed himself!