Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

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Re: Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

Post by magnumgal21 »

TheXDarkXDragoness wrote:Prompt: Write about a character who has just seen something far against their morals along the side of the road as they came home. Whether it is a kidnapping, a beating, a theft, or something else, what does your character do about it? Do they get hurt? Do the stop the act successfully? Did they misread the situation?
Alice was walking home one night when she noticed a fellow student at her school being bullied, at first she is unsure what to do but she walks over to the group.
"Hey, leave her alone." She yells at them, but they ignore her.
Alice moves herself in between the bullies and the victim.
"Back off." she says in a warning tone, as she reaches for her phone.
They make no move and instead start laughing at her attempts to get them to stop. Alice pulls out her phone and calls the first person in her contacts, quickly telling them her location while staring down the bullies.
"I warned you." She says letting the bullies mind run with ideas of who she called, at this point they run off, shortly after a Silver ford fusion pulls up, and the windows roll down.
"Need a ride?"
"Yeah, just give me a moment, Diana." Alice says as she turns to the victim.
"What is your name?"
"Sam" He says nervously.
"Do you need a ride home?" Alice asks.
"Yeah, that would be nice." He says offering a small smile.
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Re: Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

Post by Paradoxic »


Someone (or several people) who you considered as friends have betrayed you. Write about how you initially felt, how you coped, and what revenge you undertook in return (if any).
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Re: Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

Post by TheEmbodimentOfKarma »

They betrayed me.
You thought they had your back. Well, they didn't. Guess you weren't important enough.
Oh well.
Guess I'm allowed to kill them now.

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Re: Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

Post by Merkwerkee »

ISK8 wrote:
"There, in the tower, she came face-to-face with evil."
It wasn't a terribly usual sort of tower; the city as a whole tended not to go in for heights, preferring instead to burrow into the earth beneath, so as a consequence the tower quite stood out despite the fact it was only two and a half stories tall. Above ground, anyway; it burrowed much further down below as most of the other buildings did. It was a soft sort of tower, looking oddly like a termite mound had decided windows were a good idea and then overdone it a bit. Either that, or the builder had gotten a good deal for bulk orders for curtains because every window sported a riot of colors that completely blocked the view inside.

Nobody had ever seen any of the curtains tied back.

Fortunately, the girl approaching the tower wasn't the usual sort of girl. That is to say, she looked normal enough, having the usual complement of heads, arms, legs, fingers, toes, and orifices, but she was headed straight for the tower. This was unusual, because nobody went to the tower. Not willingly, anyway; you occasionally saw two beefy figures dragging a third, kicking and screaming, towards the tower in the wee hours of the morning but nothing happened during the day.

If you recognized the third figure, the one who kicked and screamed, you closed your shutters and pretended you didn't if you knew what was good for you.

But this girl seemed determined. She headed straight for the tower with her head held high as if daring anyone to challenge her or ask where she was going. Nobody did, of course. They weren't stupid. If they didn't know for sure they couldn't be held responsible for whatever happened and later could answer 'yes' truthfully to questions like "You didn't know about this, is that correct?"

She strode up to the tower and knocked firmly at the door. It opened quietly, with no frightful screams of rusty hinges or groaning of overstressed wood (it wasn't that kind of door), and she walked inside.

Inside, the tower looked perfectly ordinary - as long as you looked at the hallway straight on. There were things that lurked, just out of sight at the corner of the eye, but looking directly at things proved them to be perfectly ordinary (if slightly kitsch). Small end tables supported small porcelain figurines and other tchotchkes, while pretty - if uninspired - watercolors hung at perfectly even intervals along the walls.

The girl strode along the hallway, ignoring the trinkets and the lurking presences with equal aplomb. The stairway was nothing special, save that the light didn't seem to reach very far up or down it; you walked in a section of light that followed you, but the dark was always present just behind and just ahead. the presence of windows at equal distances along the staircase didn't seem to make any difference in this; the amount of light and the size of the lighted section was always the same no matter if you passed by a window or not.

She marched up the steps, one at a time in a measured pace that would get her where she wanted to go without leaving her huffing and puffing at the top of the stairs. One flight, two flights, and she stepped out onto a landing that contained only one door. She went over, pushed it open, and there, in the tower, she came face-to-face with evil.

"Hello, Grandpa. It's good to see you again."
Got bored in class, did this in the last 45 minutes or so. Might do this again; flash fiction is always a party.

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Re: Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

Post by TheEmbodimentOfKarma »

You play a character that is slowly going mad. What do they write in their diary?

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Re: Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

Post by HermioneGranger12 »

I must protest Joseph. He is my- what's the word? Soon? Sun? Son! He is my son. I must ki- I mean save him from those terrible people who locked me up. They give me gross fodd and- what do they call it? wurgle? Warts? Water! Water. Nothing more. I must find Joseph and mur- defend him at all costs.
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Re: Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

Post by snowflakeseal1234 »

You're in a world where the government is corrupt, and demands that half of the population on earth must be killed off. One quarter of the world's people will each choose one person they wish to save. You, being the lucky person you are, end up being able to choose, and so does your family. However, none of your friends, family friends or neighbours are part of the lucky group of choosers! What would your emotions be, and who would you choose to save, or would you choose to not save anyone at all?
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Re: Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

Post by Pok »

TheEmbodimentOfKarma wrote:PROMPT!
You play a character that is slowly going mad. What do they write in their diary?
December 25, 3451
It's official. They've won.

All those years ago, the sudden merger of the three states-for the rest of the world was either blanketed in suffocating water or rendered uninhabitable by the scorching sun-the move should have tipped us off. All was not right. After all, I was one of those standing on the boat, watching others' lemmingesque deaths at the stony, unyielding hands of the rocks. Politicians, journalists, leaders, kings. Gone in the 3164 Incident that people speak of in harsh, lowered whispers.

Or spoke,
There's nobody left.

January 31, 3451
They've found me. I'm being sent to the surface soon...

The sky is still dark, toxic clouds impenetrable by the absent sun. It's too cold. They have not taken my book, my only lifeline, for which I am gratefu

l. They have, however, taken my supplies. I suspect this is what was left of Avalon, or Atlantis. The cold is getting to my head, numbing my mental process.

January 36, 3451
They've come back. They've come back. They've come ba
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Re: Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

Post by wildclaw »

If I ruled my own island, I would just lay in a comfy chair and read all day. I would get my own food, but other people would be in charge of keeping my fridge well stocked.
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Re: Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

Post by MidniteScy »

Prompt: Play a song. Write a poem as you listen to it--but don't use its lyrics. Cheaters. :)

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