OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by sammythethief »

What about farming as a feature? I've got more fully fleshed out ideas including shops, balancing mechanics, exceptions, limitations, etc., but for now, I just wrote this as kind of a storybook introduction to what farming in MagiStream could be: shops to earn gold and sink it, retired creature acquisition, alliances, new stats for creatures, relations to elemental affinities, seasonal bonuses, and more can all be easily tied into farming. In theory, the entirety of the farming feature can be executed in a text base format supplemented by artwork. I've got a lot of haphazard notes on it and am working on compiling it into more detailed, organized sections. I'll come back with it in a legible format if y'all don't hate this idea.

Storytime under the spoiler! It's more or less a rough draft, but my brain had the idea in a death grip and wouldn't let go until I spit this out.
You’ve inherited your grandfather’s old — wait, no. You’re a skilled magi and have decided that in addition to excelling at magic, you’re going to apply your considerable determination into becoming an agricultural entrepreneur! Grow crops to feed your creatures or sell for profit. Buy plots of land to cultivate and seeds to plant, upgrade your farm and fields, and ally yourself with a guild, whether you’ve undertaken the quest to become a member or not, to help them meet their needs (you aren’t quite sure why the Society of the Trident needs so many rutabagas, but they’re paying well for them, so maybe it’s best not to question). Just as your companions are critical to your magical abilities, so too are they the driving force at your farm. The Farming Stat, unique to each species, will determine the role they play, and their Efficiency will measure how well they execute their role. Careful breeding can make even the most common of Koi a true powerhouse of benefits for your farm.

Osyra is the local expert on all things Magricultural. She coined the term and is very proud of it; she’ll use it liberally when she talks to you and her feelings are easily hurt, so just smile and nod. She’s also the one you buy your land, seeds, fertilizers, and upgrades from, so you’d do well to make sure those feelings of hers remain unblemished, no matter how silly Magriculture sounds when it’s said five times in two sentences. She also sells unique spells that she’s developed, such as one that will protect crops from withering, and enchanted items. She will buy anything you grow and pay a premium for quality crops. On occasion, her research or experiments may demand a specific variety, and she is willing to pay even more for that crop. Her experiments don’t last long, however, so you’re encouraged to take advantage while you can. Osyra has mastered her craft through years of dedicated research, pressing onward even when she received very little or no support from her fellow magi. Her determination has yielded incredible results, such as the discovery of food for both creatures and people that contains so much nutritional value that certain effects in creatures have been noted and studied. Osyra is thrilled that you’re interested in Magriculture (yes, you are interested in Magriculture, not its boring cousin agriculture) and is eager to work with you to continue making discoveries.

Sava is Osyra’s long suffering business partner and a leading expert in breeding magical creatures. They joined Osyra’s work when she approached them with proof that a creature’s elemental affinity impacts their Efficiency when working in a Magricultural setting. They were further enticed when Osyra implied that Efficiency in the field could be refined through careful breeding; unable to resist the siren call of improving a species via TMC (tender magical care) and careful application of their life’s passion, Sava decided that this would be their magnum opus. Sava is able to pursue their research while also offering the unique opportunity for you to rent creatures from them to assist on your farm. When dealing with the sheer volume of creatures that they do (think Master Belmos-level creature retention — yeah, that many), they’ve got to clear out their stock every so often. One weekend every month, Sava offers eggs for sale to magi who have begun their Magricultural journey. Some of the eggs they offer belong to creatures that haven’t been seen in many long years — maybe you remember them from your early days at the Keep, when you were a greenhorn student, eyes wide and misty with wonder and affection for your very first companion.

While the thought of research and progress is stimulating and intriguing, you can’t deny the allure of profit, and neither can the prominent guilds that frequent the Keep. The guilds have attempted negotiations with both Osyra and Sava; Osyra tried, but ultimately realized that her gifts and talents did not reside in the realm of diplomacy and bartering, and Sava was quoted as being “too blighted busy to bother with politics”. Thus, they have come to you.

The guild that you undertook trials and quests for clearly expects you to enter into an agreement that will benefit them, though they have grudgingly admitted that you will not be expelled from the guild for allying your farm with one of the others, despite the significant frown on the representative’s face. You are free to ally yourself and your budding farm with the guild of your choosing. The guild will not demand anything of you and will not penalize or charge you if you don’t offer some of your harvest, but they are more than willing to reward you if you do. Your crops are of good quality, improving every day, and the guildmembers’ creatures benefit greatly from the addition of such superior food to their diets. You can’t imagine their creatures eat that much, though. Every week, the guild will very casually (read: not at all) list, in excruciating detail, what they currently need for whatever mystery project they’re cooking up. If you fill this request by the deadline, you’ll receive a voucher for a predetermined amount of guild credits, which can then be exchanged for a reward with the guild’s quartermaster. The quartermaster is authorized to offer you creatures exclusive to the guild, gold, unique spells and items, and even the results of why they needed all those rutabagas (it’s really awesome fertilizer — the gift that keeps on giving!).

Your booming business has also garnered the attentions of one Mr. Underhill, a traveling merchant. He pops up at wildly erratic intervals, and seemingly out of nowhere. He’s laden with belts, bags, satchels, pouches, sacks, and what looks to be a miniature mead barrel tied to his waist. Truly, he’s so overburdened that you have no idea how he manages to even shuffle about, to say nothing of his ability to scarper toot sweet the moment he hears scuttlebutt of another deal elsewhere. Regardless of his baffling abilities, he pays an obscene amount of gold for what he wants; what he wants, of course, is no small amount of a crop. He won’t even entertain the thought of buying less than a hundred units of whatever his eccentric little heart desires, but he’ll buy as much of it as you’ve got to offer (with diminishing returns, of course). He won’t be around longer than a day, but he’s guaranteed to be back — you just don’t know when.

Despite your nervousness at attempting something new and relatively unexplored, you cannot deny the excitement thrumming through your veins and singing under your skin. Even your magic is reacting as you stare out at your newly acquired plot of land, tingling at your fingertips at the possibilities for discovery and advancement. By your side, your creature companion looks on with an eager, almost knowing glint in its eye, as if it’s been waiting for you to tap into the potential it has always possessed.

You’re going to do great things.

This is what I've got so far in regards to farming. Of course, if this idea is accepted even on a tertiary level, everything is open and subject to change, but I wanted to provide as comprehensive a baseline as possible. I know people want to see new things on the site, and I know the team is working so, so hard on bringing that to us, and so I've just been trying to think of something that could be helpful. This is what I've got.
Farming Skill and Efficiency

Farming Skills: Tilling, Fertilizing, Planting, Watering, Harvesting.

Skills are fixed per species and cannot be changed. The skills determine which role the creature will undertake while they help you with your farm. Select a field you want to work in and you will be presented with a brief description of its status and a selection of current available actions. Choose the action you want to do — Till the Land, Fertilize the Soil, Plant the Seeds, Water the Seed/Sprout/Plant, Harvest the Crop — and a list of creatures available to you to use to perform that action will become available to you. Choose the creature to use and they’ll help you out with your task! All creatures have a farming cooldown period. A longer cooldown period could encourage people to have larger collections of creatures and participate in Mercado to buy and sell good farming creatures.

Efficiency: Base scale of 1 to 10, however 7 is the cap for unboosted Efficiency. This value determines how well they perform their assigned skill, and affects other aspects of the skills as well. A higher efficiency rating means a higher chance of the following aspects of the skills activating. Tilling: Success rate of removing rocks from soil (increasing amount that can be planted) and, if the field has been used before, the chance for finding extra seeds from the previous crop. Fertilizing: Increased chance to use less fertilizer per field and chance to improve the quality of the crop. Planting: Increased chance to plant a seed without losing one from your inventory. Watering: Increased chance for the field to stay watered longer and a chance to improve the quality of the crop. Harvesting: Reduce the amount of crop waste and a chance to improve the quality of the crop.

There has been a massive focus on parentless creatures throughout the history of MagiStream. People want parentless and nothing else, to the point that bred stream creatures, unless they’re part of a lineage, are given little to no value by players. The Efficiency rating in farming changes that.

Stream, shop, quest, and event (including gift) creatures improve their Efficiency through breeding. In farming, a parentless creature will never have a higher efficiency rating than a bred creature. Inversely, a bred creature may have the same Efficiency as a parentless creature, but there is always the chance that the bred creature’s Efficiency could be higher than its parents. There are ways to increase the chance of offspring being hatched with a better Efficiency, such as utilizing items on the parents prior to breeding, or having a breeding bonus active. Without the parent creatures consuming an item, whether it’s a high quality crop you’ve grown or a potion you bought, the chance for a bred creature to have a higher Efficiency than its parents is randomized, but not impossible.

Stream, shop, quest, and event creatures all have the same chance for their offspring to have a higher Efficiency than them. For example, older event creatures or the more expensive shop creatures do not have a better chance at producing offspring with a higher Efficiency than a common stream creature or the grass forest quest creatures. The goal in farming is to encourage value in bred creatures, not to create a new rarity that will be coveted.

Donation creatures are unique in farming. Donation creatures do not have a skill or Efficiency level. They are capable of performing any task presented to them, but due to their lack of skill and Efficiency in farming, they will be less effective than a well bred stream creature. This mechanic encourages value in non-donation creatures — a sixth generation Baku that has been carefully bred to raise its Efficiency will be more valuable to someone interested in farming than a brand new donation creature. Donation creatures will never lose their value for being what they are, but every creature in MagiStream is worth our time and appreciation; in farming, donis can take a well earned break and let others have the spotlight.

Boosting Efficiency: Efficiency can be boosted in a number of ways. The Farm Shop has a potion that provides a small boost, and your allied guild can offer their assistance in the form of rewards for completing their requisitions. The largest boosts in Efficiency, however, come from the seasons. The seasons don’t affect the crops, and perhaps not really your creatures, but rather the element tied to your creature. In the Spring, creatures with an affinity to Air receive a boost to their Efficiency. Summer is for Fire, Autumn is for Earth, and Winter is for Water. Light aligned creatures work better during the day, and Void aligned creatures find success beneath the stars. Creatures whose affinity is Life find that their Efficiency is stronger when the overall health rating of the field they’re assigned to is high. Neutral creatures work with the residual energy left by the creature that came before it, and their bonus is tied to their Efficiency level, giving them significant potential.

Guild Alliance

You can ally your farm with a guild. The Dark Brotherhood, the Society of the Trident, the Herbalists Guild, and even the Preservationists Association are all interested in working with you. The Artificer’s Association doesn’t seem to care one way or the other about your crops, since none of their creatures eat normal food. You can choose one group to ally yourself with, and it doesn’t matter if you’ve completed the quest to become an official member of that group or not.

Large Reward Quest: Every Monday, at a set time, your allied guild will post a request for you to fulfill. This request is typically a large number of a specific crop, or many crops of a specific quality, though it could also be a request for them to borrow a creature with a certain skill or Efficiency. You have until Saturday, at a set time, to fulfill the requisition, and from that cutoff time on Saturday until the Monday refresh time to redeem your reward.

Your reward will vary. Guild credits, a guild-specific currency which can be redeemed with their quartermaster for their stock, are always included in the reward for fulfilling their requisition. They may also offer you rare seeds, unique spells to benefit your farm, breeding and Efficiency boosts, or even samples of the projects they’ve been working on. Many of the organizations are working on spells, potions, and supplements that only work on the creatures they specialize in, and may offer these as rewards for your continued contributions.

Small Reward Quest: Every day, you can fulfill a daily guild requisition to earn a small yet steady income of credits. This requisition is meant to be easily completed within a day, and so will ask for a reasonable number of crops. The volume and quality of their requests will scale with your guild alliance level and your farm’s level.

The guild’s quartermaster runs a shop available to you where you can exchange your guild credits, if you have them to spare and don’t want to wait for a particular item to be offered as a reward. The quartermaster also has a stock of their guild’s creature’s eggs available. They will only accept guild credits for the eggs, not gold, and you cannot buy guild credits with gold.

More to come: guild alliance level, guild rivalries?, guild strengths/weaknesses, farm level and field health, shops and gold earning mechanics, frequency of tending your farm, length of time to grow crops vs. acquiring crops to meet weekly guild requisitions, donation/shard options, retired event creature acquisition through a shop?, crop waste becoming fertilizer, and more as I wring my brain dry like a dishrag to come up with something that could be fun.
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by LunatheDragoness »

I know this is going to be a really unpopular idea but
Yes ads.
I hate them as much as anyone else but if MS has ads then maybe the revenue for the site will make it so the mods/coders have more options to add things to the site. Instead of only depending on donations. :t-pirate:
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by ghostjellie »

i would like to suggest the option to toggle the bestiary to be in pages. like show 50/100/500 creatures per page options or something of the sort. and then additionally with that, the ability to toggle the sprites shown in the list to be the eggs/hatchlings/adults.

the pages would make it easier to handle the sprite toggling without having to wait for it to change 1500 creatures at once in the worlds longest list.

for me sometimes im looking for a sprite i remember seeing but dont know the name of, or looking for creatures that look a certain way but dont want to click on each creatures page to see what it looks like, and could instead scan the list with the hatchling/adult sprites.

he/him < 3
my keep sale ☆

please ignore my about me, thats probably from 2012
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by sammythethief »

Red's Farming Nonsense Idea Part Two: Electric Boogaloo

All spoilered so my obnoxious verbosity doesn't hit you in the face :P
Guild Alliance Continued

The alliance you make with a guild will gain levels as you fulfill requisitions for them and trade in your guild credits for the quartermaster’s stock. The higher your level with the guild, the better your rewards for helping them — more credits, better quality items in your reward (spells, fertilizers, items, bonuses, etc.), potentially more as the guilds are tied further in or more features are added to the site.

Occasionally, you may be approached by some of the younger, more outspoken members of the guilds you didn’t ally your farm with. These rabble rousers don’t seem to be working with the blessings of their guild, but rather are striking out on their own in an effort to make a name for themselves. They’re offering to pay you gold if you give them a portion of the requisition you’ve been working on filling for your allied guild. You don’t know why they need the exact same things your allied guild has requested, and the young upstart doesn’t seem keen on ponying up details, either. Your guild won’t be thrilled that you’ve turned in their requisition without meeting their requested quota, and will be less generous in their reward. There’s also the risk of your allied guild finding out that you’re brushing them off and giving their promised crops to a different guild; you may find yourself fulfilling requisitions without reward, or losing a guild level. If you’re desperate for the gold, though, you may decide the risk is worth it.

Farm Levels

Each field has a level, which is separate from your farm level. When you purchase a new plot of land to use as a field, it will start at level one. All actions creatures can perform on your field will eventually cause that field to increase in level. A high level field will contribute to yielding better results; using a high efficiency creature on a high level field will provide the best results. On a high level field, the unique aspects of Tilling, Fertilizing, Planting, Watering, and Harvesting have a better chance of triggering. For example: you select a parentless creature with the Fertilizing skill which has an Efficiency level of one to work on a high level field. Despite the low Efficiency of the creature, there’s a high chance of using less fertilizer on the field and an improved quality of crop. A higher level field may even retain the effects of fertilizer for more than one crop, will stay watered longer, and will generally need to be tended less frequently. The frequency of tending your farm, the length of time for crops to grow, and managing the large guild requisitions would need to be balanced so that we’re not ignoring the large weekly requisitions for a month just to save up enough crops to fulfill one requisition.

Leveling your farm has different options for execution, depending on how the idea is adapted. There could be a single level, which is simply derived from the average level of your fields.

There could also be multiple parts of your magriculture business that each have their own individual levels, the average of which contributes to your farm level. Field levels, guild alliance level, and merchant level can all contribute to your farm level. Perhaps there’s also a level, which isn’t displayed but does contribute to farm level, that is the average of your creatures’ Efficiency levels. Whether this is averaged from every creature in your keep, or if a tab in your keep must be marked for Farming, is up for debate/testing.

Shops and Gold Earning

The farming feature I’m presenting has two core goals: adding value to bred creatures, and earning gold without goldmining. Whether the server ever gets to the point where it can truly sustain goldmining again or not, I personally feel that it shouldn’t ever come back. It gave an unfair edge to those with high end computers that could handle the load (including myself), and to those who had a lot of time on their hands to monitor the progress of the tabs opening/closing and move onto the next page of the goldmine. Full-time jobs, families, financial situations, and other commitments limit the ways that people can earn gold here. Farming aims to offer a sustainable method of earning gold that every user can participate in, regardless of whether they own a powerful PC or can donate hundreds of spare dollars for donis. Through farming, earning gold is no longer locked to how many donation creatures you can sell.

Osyra, who runs the Magriculture Shop, will be a chief source of income. She will buy everything you grow; she will pay more gold for higher quality crops. Every day, she will have a different crop that she has a particular need for or interest in and will pay extra for that crop. When selling crops to Osyra, whether they are standard or of a notable quality, there is no limit to how much you can sell to her. When selling her a crop that she has a particular need for, there is a limit to how much of that crop you can sell her, due to the higher price she’s paying for that crop. You will also be able to buy supplies from her — crop plots/fields, fertilizers, seeds, general and cosmetic upgrades, spells, enchanted items, and anything else she thinks would be of use to a budding magriculturist such as yourself.

Mr. Underhill is a traveling merchant — think of a kender with incredibly shrewd, if wildly eclectic, business sense. His visits are brief, sporadic, and completely unpredictable. He won’t ever stick around for more than a day, but he will return, don’t worry about that. He wants one thing, and one thing only. You won’t know which crop he’ll want until you speak to him, but he’ll buy as much as you wish to sell. There is a cap on the quantity of crop you can sell him in each transaction, and each transaction will have diminishing returns, not to dip below a minimum amount.

Sava, being an expert in breeding magical creatures, will periodically mention their need for creatures to augment their breeding stock. They are constantly working on improving the magical abilities of creatures through careful breeding, and they are careful to keep their lines healthy and varied. You will occasionally have the option to sell Sava your well bred creatures in exchange for gold. Sava has a spell they use that can be cast on two creatures and will let them know whether they are related, so they can prevent inbreeding. Perhaps if you help them enough, they’d be willing to share that spell with you. There have also been rumours about Sava producing new hybrid breeds, but when asked directly, they squint vaguely into the distance and refuse to say anything beyond not being ready for that. Perhaps if you sold them more creatures…

Of course, all of these gold earning opportunities would need to be carefully balanced. I’m eager to see prices for creatures come down across the board. I remember when donis went for around 10k per shard, and I watched them climb to 50k per shard. Even when goldmining was a common, encouraged practice, people weren’t thrilled that donis were so expensive. I understand that, globally, the cost of living has risen drastically. This means your dollar doesn’t go as far as it used to, and you need more of those precious dollars to make ends meet. For someone with less financial slack, the dollar they donate may indeed be worth a larger amount of virtual currency than to someone with money to spare. I’m not here to debate the global economy or the value each individual puts on their income; I just realize that while this entire idea was born of a desire to provide the administrative team with a new idea for players to earn gold and not have to think of every single detail on their own, I’m still aware that earning gold will need to be balanced. If not, then prices of everything will just continue to rise as we earn massive chunks of change from selling extra shiny blueberries. I’d love to see the website reach a point where earning gold is a process that requires time dedicated to playing the game, but not so much that players are hoarding it like misers or spending all of their online time wondering how they’re ever going to earn enough gold to snag those limited release Black Market creatures. Earning gold should not be limited to who can donate and who has unlimited time to hatch four-hundred event creatures to sell.

Every player on this site, whether they’re a donor or not, deserves to enjoy this game equally. You deserve to set goals and, through reasonable application of time spent playing this game, achieve those goals! MagiStream deserves to have a strong player base once more. We, as a group of people who love MagiStream and are here to collect beautiful creatures, deserve to build a community interested in helping one another and an economy that doesn’t leave us feeling like we’re constantly struggling. I’m not saying that selling three strawberries to Osyra should earn you 5k. Balance is key here, and taking away the challenge also takes away the fun. I want to be able to work toward a goal and achieve it in a reasonable timeframe. If my goal is bigger or more grand, I want to spend more time working toward it; that’s where the fun in a game is.

In my head, the whole implementation of this is not in a manner like the interactive map we had before. I’ve been brainstorming all of this with a text based format in mind, complimented by beautiful artwork, and with a goal of providing as strong a baseline as possible in the hopes that it may bear fruit (pun fully intended). I really just want to see MagiStream thrive, and I think this could be a fun feature that brings in new elements, with the potential for many more.

This isn’t my only idea. I have at least two others in mind, but this one was the loudest one rattling around in the empty pudding-cup I have for a head.
Thanks for bearing with me, fam <3
Be kind.
Please do not click any hatchlings in my Main tab. Thank you.
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by Altairia »

MadameRed, your farming idea is lovely! :t-swoon: It could answer many, if not even all the issues in the game currently, and you clearly have put a lot of thought into it. I would be very excited to see it implemented, and I agree with your thoughts on the game wholeheartedly. I would like to add, that you should not be punished (or rewarded) if you go on a hiatus, so time should not affect your farming level. Different combinations of stats and elements would create a lot of variety for roles and niches creatures can have. Additionally I find the idea, that instead of being treated as a breeding fail stuck in a giveaway, even something so humble as a high gen koi that no one would look at twice otherwise would become a coveted and loved companion, heartwarming <3

Vipor's idea sounds great in my opinion!

As for faedemon and ghostjellie's ideas, I agree. Just a couple of days ago I was carefully comparing Uhyz sprites in Paint to see which form I had, not knowing it was a rotating sprite! Also noting any other special forms, such as "shinies" (blue hollowjack for example). I also wish that black market creatures had their prizes listed in the bestiary.

Ads would be acceptable to me, if they are unobtrusive.

My suggestions I wrote down, don't know if these have been suggested before:
  • Being able to mark your creatures with tags, this would help keep track of for example certain dates, which creatures have been bred, or parents for breeding purposes without having to name them or resort to making specialized tabs.
  • A search function for your creatures.
  • Seeing family lines- just like how you can go to a lineage page to see the family tree, I wish such was available for all creatures. Right now you pretty much need a spreadsheet if you don't want to inbreed Butterfly fish!
  • I would like tasks of some sort that require co-operation with other members. This could be tied to their attuned element, it could balance out which element people want to pick, and foster a friendly and helpful community!
  • More things to do on the site with your creatures, such as minigames or contests. I wish I could form more of a bond with these charming critters. Right now it feels like I'm playing pokemon but am stuck in the safari zone, catching things to be sent into a box to be forgotten about, instead of going on adventures, playing and caring for them. It feels almost a waste that surely a lot of effort goes into creating these pets, only for them to be forgotten when the next new thing rolls around the corner.
  • A list to see which quests you have done, which are in progress and what you need + where to go next to progress them.
  • Artwork for the locations, shops, and quests, it would make them more interesting and breathe life to them!
Visit my new shop!
Looking for gender swaps- see the corresponding tab in my keep!
My wishlist!
🎂12th of Jan

My lab
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by sammythethief »

Altairia wrote: December 14th, 2023, 2:38:49 pmAdditionally I find the idea, that instead of being treated as a breeding fail stuck in a giveaway, even something so humble as a high gen koi that no one would look at twice otherwise would become a coveted and loved companion, heartwarming <3
This is exactly what inspired this idea. Even a first gen stream creature is typically shuffled off to Bellamoo, to be stuck in his "Bred Streamborns" tab till the end times. No one wants them, and as someone who watched Toy Story as a child and now cannot mistreat inanimate objects for fear of hurting their feelings, this wounds me to my core. It's part of why I have the Failbreed Shelter and can't bring myself to freeze a single direwolf egg just because it didn't come out albino. Increasing farming stats through breeding will bring value to high gen creatures. Your favourite stream creature can be more than just a pretty army in your keep! You'd be able to breed them to increase their farming stats and suddenly your giant army of pearl wyrms is now self-sustaining and serves a purpose beyond satiating your urge to collect. I really am so happy you like the idea, though :t-swoon: I feel like a lot of us probably love cozy games like Stardew Valley, so a feature like this would be fairly appealing to quite a few of us.

There are also a lot of ways that this can be worked into other things, too. I know we, the players, are considered the magi. A lot of us even have magi personas, or multiple magi characters used in RPing or in stories, which I think is really great! We all seem to live in the Keep, though, and unless the Keep is like the Tardis, then I doubt we'd all fit in there, considering many of us have tens of thousands of creatures. Now, I know that our tens of thousands of creatures are not actually represented in the way we portray our magi-selves, but a fun feature could be the construction of our own homesteads/keeps/fortresses of doom. Maybe you can choose the region that you're farming in - which introduces the opportunity for different regions to have their own unique perks, bonuses, deficits, and challenges - and decide that your farm is so successful that you opt to finally leave your quarters at the Keep and build a home there.

Perhaps the crops you grow and feed to your creatures offer benefits to them that aren't limited to just providing bonuses that relate back to farming. There are many different kinds of crops to be grown, after all, and you might just be able to get your hands on some rare ones, plants that have been known to have unique effects when fed to creatures, such as increasing their senses, enhancing their magical abilities, and strengthening their ties to their elements.

Which can tie into my next idea, which is...
A goldmine.

A literal goldmine, though.

Not just a goldmine, an Exploration Feature. Send our creatures out to the oceans to find sunken treasure, to caves filled with precious gems and minerals, to forgotten islands with shipwrecked loot and rare resources, inhospitable lands where people once lived and have left behind bits of history, different planes of existence occurring adjacent to ours, and to find things that have simply been forgotten and reclaimed by nature. We can then sell these things for a profit.

There are so many places that can be explored in the world of MagiStream. As magi, we have our creature companions to help us traverse this world and work magic, but there are just some places where we're not meant to go. Our companions, however, are a different matter entirely. We can send our companions out to explore in the world, picking a location that works with their elemental affinity. Earth and Fire creatures can go into caves (including an actual goldmine) and into areas with active volcanoes to search for valuables. Water and Earth creatures can dive to the bottom of the oceans to look for sunken treasures, or fly across the seas to discover long forgotten islands, or spy shipwrecks on the coast. Light and Void creatures have the opportunity to scour realms that we can't reach in order to bring back things that no one there will miss, but will fetch a good sum in our world. Life creatures are attuned to nature and will be able to locate things nearly anywhere that simply don't belong. Dropped bags of coin, jewelry that fell to the ground and couldn't be found again, or even remnants of the past, buried deep.

Creatures could be selected and sent out for a chosen period of time. For example, you send your Blue Pygmy Gemdragon into a cave for two/four/six/eight/etc hours. When the time is up and they return, they bring you gems and interesting chunks of rock or minerals which you then automatically sell for gold. My initial idea for this is a relatively simple function that sends the creature out and when they come back, you get gold. The longer they're gone, the more gold you'll earn on their return. In this capacity, there wouldn't be any items added to your inventory and no need for you to manually sell them - the message would be something like this:

“Your Blue Pygmy Gemdragon was gone for eight hours. It ventured into a cave, exploring further and further, trusting its instincts and connection to the earth to keep it from getting lost. It found quite a lot of unusual gems for you. Aside from a choice few that were selected as a snack, your companion brought the rest back to you. With some grateful pets and soft words of thanks, you send your faithful companion off for some well earned rest. You collect the gems and sell them, earning you a tidy profit of amount of gold.”

Farming ties in by growing unique food and feeding it to your creatures. Maybe you get a temporary exploration boost from some of the more common foods, and the really rare crops can provide more permanent bonuses, increasing the amount of gold your creatures earn from exploration.

Or perhaps the exploration feature can be more fully fleshed out into a more sprawling idea, with an adventurer's guild, shops, items for the inventory, Alethin sticking his nose in because he smells rare items being discovered, a museum twitching itself into a fit because history is being sold for cold hard coin (which could probably be its own storyline! with quests and perks!), and more.

... as you can see, it takes very little for me to run with an idea and start a big fat snowball that I have very little control over :t-sweat: I've already got like, three more ideas just from this wall of text, but I need to think and compile and plot. Fortunately, I've got a nice long vacation coming up :bounce: I'll keep y'all updated with any ideas that don't sound completely dumb!
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by WolfyWolf »

Don't know if it's been said before, and understand it would be like... a bottom of the list thing XD
but a dark mode lol. I play on a pretty full screen and the white has just kept hitting different ever since downtime ended.
Thank You Foxurus <3
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by Munin »

WolfyWolf wrote: December 20th, 2023, 2:29:37 am Don't know if it's been said before, and understand it would be like... a bottom of the list thing XD
but a dark mode lol. I play on a pretty full screen and the white has just kept hitting different ever since downtime ended.
I know it is not as convenient as a built-in version but given that Rosehill has a lot on her plate still with fixing things after the big upgrades, maybe this might be helpful for you in the meantime: someone shared their settings used via stylus to mute the colours on your end
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by falsanthin »

Its only a small suggestion but i would like some kind of icon on your creatures page to identify if a creature has had its rotating sprite frozen with a moon shard. I'm forever forgetting if i have used one or not on a particular colour or if i move them between tabs and they get jumbled up :headdesk: even if it was just something as simple as putting a small image of the moon shard next to the creatures type (so say female scarf wyrm -moon shard image-) then this image would disappear if you used a sun shard on it again

Unless i have been missing something obvious the only way i have been able to tell the difference between ones i have or haven't used one on previously is either waiting until the sprite changes again, keeping them in separate tabs or trying to use a sun shard on them to see if i have or not.

Obviously i know there is so much being done with the site rework at the moment but i would love to see something like this in the future :splat:
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by Rosehill »

falsanthin wrote: December 23rd, 2023, 8:02:07 am Its only a small suggestion but i would like some kind of icon on your creatures page to identify if a creature has had its rotating sprite frozen with a moon shard. I'm forever forgetting if i have used one or not on a particular colour or if i move them between tabs and they get jumbled up :headdesk: even if it was just something as simple as putting a small image of the moon shard next to the creatures type (so say female scarf wyrm -moon shard image-) then this image would disappear if you used a sun shard on it again

Unless i have been missing something obvious the only way i have been able to tell the difference between ones i have or haven't used one on previously is either waiting until the sprite changes again, keeping them in separate tabs or trying to use a sun shard on them to see if i have or not.

Obviously i know there is so much being done with the site rework at the moment but i would love to see something like this in the future :splat:
This kind of a thing is already planned, though on a little bit larger scale, so that it would possibly include other items as well. ^.^

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