What Colour Is Your Soul [Remake OOC Thread]

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Re: What Colour Is Your Soul [Remake OOC Thread]

Post by NaughtDemon »

I'm back from vacation, so I should be totally active from now on, since I got caught up before I left and nothing much has happened on the roleplay. c:
I'm glad to be back and active again. :well:
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Re: What Colour Is Your Soul [Remake OOC Thread]

Post by SheWolfWarrior »

Okay! That's it, I'm coming back into this thread! But uh, first, I need someone for Malestrom and Kalani to interact with. Anybody free? I promise I'll post for everyone once I get characters for my other two to interact with. :)
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Re: What Colour Is Your Soul [Remake OOC Thread]

Post by UmbraFear »

Ah, feel free to have Kalani run into Alex. He and Fian were just looking for someone to kill anyways, and I think that would be quite a battle. xD Also, I believe that Alex and Fian are standing right in front of where Kalani is anyways. As for Maelstrom, I imagine that he could probably come in and play with Xavi and Kiren.

Yay, everyone's back! :hooray: Time to ressurect this thread!
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Re: What Colour Is Your Soul [Remake OOC Thread]

Post by SheWolfWarrior »

Thank you, I'll get right to it. Once I'm done taking care of my lizard first, though.
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Re: What Colour Is Your Soul [Remake OOC Thread]

Post by UmbraFear »

I don't think that Amazing is playing anymore. So that means poor Alex is gonna have to fight Kalani on his own. XD
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Re: What Colour Is Your Soul [Remake OOC Thread]

Post by Iliad »

Oh, man. I keep going like, Okay, I'm gonna post, and then I forget to post, and then stuff happens and I don't know what is happening. Can I get a recap.
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Re: What Colour Is Your Soul [Remake OOC Thread]

Post by UmbraFear »

I just took out all of the inactive characters, so basically everyone is just gathered at the waterfall right now aside from Nightshade and Thadues who are in the forest, Sheigh and Shakira at the beach, Valos who is in the forest as well by himself, and Akiro who is in the field.
I'll add your characters back into the list again right now.
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Re: What Colour Is Your Soul [Remake OOC Thread]

Post by faedemon »

Name: Lucy

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Species: Advanced Human (was experimented on, now has freaky powers: rather strong, can sense presences..)

Appearance: Image

Personality: A bit reserved and hostile towards some, but generally cheerful. She's old friends with Alex… (THE RELATIONSHIP WILL HAPPEN, UMBRA, JUST YOU WAIT.)

Other: She carries a pistol with her at all times. Disregard the cigarette in the picture, she doesn't smoke. :haha:

Heuheuheu, I'm back, Umbra. Thanks for remaking this, it's nice of you! :woo:
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Re: What Colour Is Your Soul [Remake OOC Thread]

Post by UmbraFear »

No problem! You're accepted, obviously, as this is your RP. :D But what about Torture? XD
And if Lucy wants Alex, she'll have to fight Kalani. :P
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Re: What Colour Is Your Soul [Remake OOC Thread]

Post by faedemon »



Me: Uh huh… anyways, I'm leaving Torture out...
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