Lesson learned, dragons don't talk like parrotsBucketORandomness wrote:*takes a sip of coffee* HeythisstuffisreallygoodbutIdon'tunderstandwhatallthefussisaboutOhIreadthiswholebookandIcantellyouwroteiteventhoughyouusedafakenameAllthecorrectionsareinredforyou^ * * ThinkIcould, maybe, get some more coffee?potsy01 wrote:"IamPapillonIliveintherainforestandIcameheretofindmoredragonsafterbeingalonesolong." Papillon replied in a huge rush.
^translation: Hey, this stuff is really good, but I don't understand what all the fuss is about. Oh! I read this whole book, and I can tell you wrote it, even though you used a fake name. All the corrections are in red for you.
((sorry, that post reminded me of a favorite scene in one of my favorite series ))
Edit: Made a MS recolor for my dragon:
Papillon is basically this, but with slightly bigger wings.