Sorren1224 wrote:Truca or kujdestar or khnamakal or tutorea or apiakun or pazitel or gardisto or hooldaja or... holhooja
I love that one... or... Vormund or Palaka or gadyen or wali or Raksaka or bohoja or mlezi or vasi. That's just "Guardian" in a bunch of languages. Lol.
i ike Vormund, i added that
TOrideleKeto wrote:Ladon.
In Greek mythology Ladon was a dragon that guarded the Golden Apples in the garden of the Hesperides. The golden apples would make you immortal.
Silverstar44 wrote:Bonefire
srry, too plain
Tragondor wrote:Haelizine
srry, i just dont really like them
AngelicCross wrote:How about Morgweed ?!