The Wolf with No Howl

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I love the fantasy world that you created. Write more!
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Re: The Wolf with No Howl

Post by worldshaper »

Chapter 7
Section 10
Kit Furry
I saw Alpha Commander Flameblazer in hypnotic state. Where she was dead to the world and not alert to her surroundings. I looked at Rocky trying to figure out what was going on.
He had seen the look I gave him, completely understanding what I was getting at here. I caught him glancing at all directions, pondering for an answer.
“Maybe I should summon my spiritually creatures?” I asked myself deep in the idea of doing so.
“No, I have spiritually creature that can figure this out.” Rocky halted me from preceding the course of action. “You need to save your aura, just in case we have to battle.” I was really close to doing so with my aura building up from the determination. Pinching it down as he wanted me to do, saving it for later.
Rocky moved a little bit toward Flameblazer without so much of flinch fear. Did he master how to hide his terror from the danger that lurked? That I could feel with no way of calming down my fear of what was happening.
“So what do you think we should do…?”
“I think I might be familiar with this technic.” He studied her posture and the darkness must have pierced his train of thought. Unsure if this was a good thing to do after all; as he felt the dark aura pass through him, sending bad vibes through his body. “STAY AWAY,” he yelled. Jumping fast as he could backwards out of the way from the consuming aura that was possessive.
I looked into the darkness he jumped away from. Wondering what was so bad about this spot that was making me feel comfortable and drawing me near it. I wanted to go closer to it for some reason, without any worries bring to my mind.
“Kit Furry…get out of there!” Rocky exclaimed.
I could hear part of me encouraging me not to be afraid of the darkness. Nor did I want to leave, as I heard two other voices sounding like my spiritually creatures. They were eager to take control of my body again sensing my weakness that I had, and taken complete advantage of it!
Aquafeny and Fireflare pulling me closer to them, as a part of me realized what was happening. I dragged my paws and legs fighting with all my strength being no match for them. They were urging my body to come near them and not be afraid. Spreading their lies through my opened ears, so I could listen to what they wanted to reason with me.
“We have something to tell you if you’ll listen to us?” Fireflare informed.
“How can I escape this place before you two take control of me again?”
“We’re not interesting in that right now, besides we are still too weak from the last battle.” Aquafeny replied. Actually I could see it on their faces that they had a lacking aura.
We can free you after freeing your Alpha Commander.” Fireflare shared. “Search for the one who trapped us for they can free us, and let us freely roam in the world once more!”
“Why should I believe you with the deceptions you had done in the past?” I asked in misbelief.
“We can end you right here and now?!” Fireflare attitude brought off this feeling he would rather have me trapped.
I tried to get away by backing slowly where they wouldn’t notice. It was no use as I was being pulled forward, with no progression on escaping their clutches. They noticed as they gave me their stern look at me.
“What are you trying to do here,” Fireflare raised his voice in disgust at my attempt. Sighing as he wanted this done by now.
“I was testing how much power that was left.” I lied covering my tracks on what I was doing at that moment.
“All…alright let’s get this started!” Aquafeny stated once he was sure with my words.
“So can you help free Alpha Commander Flameblazer?” I asked interested in finding out how they will do it.
“We’ll free her in one condition that you’ll break our bond to your soul!” Fireflare requested having no other interest for him and his brother.
Their promise echoed through my thought’s as this came to an agreement way to easy. The feeling that something wasn’t right crossed my mind. I tried to clear my head coming back to reality; were Rocky’s voice was speaking gathering the information that he was going on about. “K…Kit…Kit Furry are you there? Woo…woo! Anybody home or alive?!” he asked.
“Yes, I’m here…s…some reason I feel like I am immune from this darkness that haunts this land.” I responded. There was life blooming off this dark aura bringing the energy to fight this trap. Following my instincts that led me closer to where Alpha Commander Flameblazer was sitting.
Rocky was getting anxious from the adrenaline rush that hit him. The danger was weighing on his mind heavily not wanting me to get hurt from the dark source. “That is ridiculous there is no way your immune from the damage that’ll be inflicted!” He tried to give me reasoning not follow through this plan I had.
“I have a plan for freeing her,” I approached Flameblazer with determination to follow through with it. Without giving a second thought, time was running out with no way of stopping it.
“I don’t care if you call it a plan, it’s still insane! You’ll be unable to do it why I’m here, because I’m responsible for you. I won’t allow you to risk your life over something foolish!” he rejected.
“You may try to stop me, but it is utter nonsense, I’m determining to do this and nothing will stop me from saving Flameblazer!” I proved myself moving closer to the overpowering darkness that stood in front of my path. There were no regrets in what I was about to do here next. Stepping directly in the dark aura countering it with mine trying to reflect it away from Flameblazer; so she could return to herself.
The aura that was pulsating on her, started to pulse on me. I felt my strength diminishing with ever pulsation that hit me. Standing with my strong will, that didn’t let up, my body ached on every inch, as I drew my dark aura out for strength to defeat this mess.
Something had clicked as my aura absorbed the darkness turning it to my advantage. I bend the traps power with so much ease, breaking and dis-aura the area.
Alpha Commander Flameblazer was coming back to it, wondering what had happened with no memory from the Trans. Then it all came back flowing all at once, she shouted, “THE PROTECTION TECHNIC!”
“It’s been broking!” Rocky spoke shocked from what I had done with no idea how I made it possible. He was thankfully, even though he had no explanation with me going against his wishes.
Soon as the protection technic was broken the scenery that was darkened with horror and death brought life. The brightness flowed with positive energy, yet dark aura flew around still, and it wasn’t mine! Why?
None of this made sense we defeated the dark aura, at least I thought. As we entered deeper into the forest with their tree’s opening to area of a waterfall. Were water was crashing on to the rocks keeping them moist with the wet glossily look.
“NightFang…NightFang! I don’t appreciate the trap you left for me!” Flameblazer yelled. “You can no longer hide with your past tricks.”
“Alpha Commander Flameblazer what are you doing so close to this waterfall?” I asked. She gave me a smirk with laughter gazing beyond the fall itself. As if they were someone on the other side of the surface wall that showed no entryway. I tried to search in where she was looking with no luck on finding anything.
Then there was a shadowy figure on the other side of the waterfall that looked like another wolf. That walked on in-closed wall with not even on crack for a bug to go in and keep dry. It brought a weird sensation as the shadow started to come off the flat surface into a third dimensional shape. The wall begun to crack open as the black figure grew color and fur as the section of rock just vanished as if it was coexistent. Well, that is just great a shadow has become a live breathable creature!
A wolf had wet white fur with jet black scorpion dragon stripes, and light blue eyes. That brought darkness to their shine. How could something look so good, yet have so much dark aura?
Unlike her sister that had a lighter aura, it seemed she had a darker aura and controlled it even with its hint of evil that wanted to escape. Allowing NightFang to grasp without flaw or bringing the worse out. “Are you sure that I can’t prevail with my tricks?” she laughed with amusement.
“Yes, I’m positive that won’t work!” Alpha Commander Flameblazer proved her point. How she had studied and will never fall for the same trick twice.
“You’re the same wolf I remember from the past, you haven’t changed one bit!”
“What would you prefer that I had changed?”
“No, than I would miss you too much if you never came to visit!”
“I don’t know why I couldn’t still visit, I just wouldn’t be the same,” Alpha Commander Flameblazer grinned.
“Why did I get the feeling you would say that?” NightFang asked.
“I don’t why?” Flameblazer’s grin opened up more as she laughed historically.
Did she know her that well off and long? The way NightOwl was talking and introducing us it sounded like they never met at all. Unless Sensei Thunder Fang doesn’t know, but none of this makes any sense.
“Well, you can come in, but who are these two new wolves? They must be new moonwarriors?” NightFang asked.
“Not entirely, I’m a moondawner not quite a moonwarrior yet!” Rocky replied.
“Interesting what about her?” she asked.
“You mean Kit Furry, the moonpup?!” Flameblazer responded.
NightFang was looking directly at me, and I was getting the feeling she was studying me. Then I started to acquire that she knew what I did to save Alpha Commander Flameblazer, staring into my dark aura, which had broken the protection field.
“So a moonpup is the one I felt break my concentrated aura, how impressive! I can train you in the darkness of light. While maintaining good without exposing the worst, change yourself and tempting the evil inside.”
“What do you mean?” I stumbled over what NightFang was trying to say to me.
“You’re having trouble controlling spiritual creatures in the dark arts; as they threaten you for their freedom! They want to leave you completely!”
“How did you know that?”
“I’m the one that created the darkness in this area to protect the light from the true evil.” she phrased.
“Come in and I’ll show you what I mean by it,” she invited. “Alright, go in there Kit Furry, there is nothing to be afraid of on the other side, Alpha Commander Flameblazer!”
“It is fine you can go through, no harm will come to you.” Flameblazer insisted.
“How do I know you’re not forcing her to say that?” I asked leery.
“There is no one forcing her to say what I want her to say…”
“It is true Kit Furry, don’t worry I’m fine…I…I think there something else for the reason of the shield.” Alpha Commander Flameblazer reassured.
“The protection was meant for the enemy that has been lurking around for days. I have no idea where they’re at for this moment; I’m getting this feeling that there the Shadow Brothers.” NightFang replied.
“You mean the Dark Fang Brothers that were the cause of making Dark Fang pack to go into further madness with their plots. The dark laws they believe in spreading their dark shadows. There letting the darkness consume them instead of them controlling it!” Alpha Commander Flameblazer answered. “I remember those teachings you told back in the day course, I was never born to used such aura or understand it! That is why your trap caught me by surprise I’m going to have to build some king of immunity to that.”
As I went through the barrier seeing another wolf w…with this huge metal plate covering half of their front. It had an aura pulsating off the center, unsure of what it was? I have never seen anything like that before! It felt like some of it was still untouched with a presence whatever that was holding near them. I don’t want to find out ether in any bad way as it filled with fear.
NightFang came in after me with Alpha Commander Flameblazer and Rocky. “Korumak, good job with holding up you’re getting better at Canzki control with your aura! Your Hydra is the key, allowing you summon with no problem of controlling you and your will.”
“Will…? W…what do you mean?” I asked.
“I can sense all with spiritual creatures and what they desire deep in their souls! If they chose not to join in your ways and beliefs; don’t let that control you, keeping you from what you want!” NightFang replied with her knowledge of these ways. The funniest thing I thought was why this wolf had such an awkward sheet of metal! Plus how was the wolf supposed to carry it with the weight slowing them down? I saw no posts that would keep it in place on the ground.
This whole idea was weird to me, or is this way they do things out here? There is no way that would protect him or help their cause!
“What an awesome contraption you have there!” Rocky announced. He was completely into it enthusiastic about learning more. “What do you use this sheet of metal for?
As the question hit the air the wolf kicked into laughter fit, trying to stop as he explained himself. “This is not just a sheet of metal…it’s a sheet of metal…that protects me in the heat of battle!”
“So like the omega defenders?” I asked
“Nothing even close like them…I’m a Darkwarrior! My aura surpasses them by a lot…”
“Korumak is an Alpha Commander rank!” NightFang responded.
No way, she had to be kidding me this wolf had to be close to my age or younger. There is no way this Darkwarrior was powerfully than Rocky; let alone match up to Alpha Commander Flameblazer! I couldn’t believe it, and won’t believe it!
“He’ll surpass me one of these days.” she replied honestly. Not fazed by it in anyway, but she looked around the age of NightOwl.
“Your sister sent us here to get your aid for our pack?” Alpha Commander Flameblazer asked.
“Aye, but my ancestors are calling me! My older sister bit off more than she can chew in the end?”
“No our land is being attacked and a friend of ours has been taken! The DarkFangwarriors are up to no good including the Snowwarriors who stole the friend from us. We think he could be the Earth Alpha Commander, the first of his kind and only as the prophecy stated! The one who can bend the rules of the earth’s laws.” she tried. Prove this to her old friend as she seemed to not want believe in this legend.
“Alpha Commander Flameblazer it is only a legend that our ancestors told the young to inspire their strength and courage! Don’t tell me you believe in this fairy tale?” NightFang uttered.
“It’s not a fairy tale already one of the legendary warrior’s exist with the demon foxes!”
“Are talking about the kitsunes dragons? Otherwise known as the Shadow Brothers as the story tells they came from another realm! Wolves can create their own spiritually creatures…”
“No they can create them, but the legend speaks of the Spiritwonderies that had never been fully created from their past!”
“It’s a myth that is all, a myth and I will no longer listen to this crazy story!
“Are you going to leave us defenseless?” Rocky claimed. Wishing it wasn’t the truth that he was hearing. I could see it in his eye’s that he despised the way she answered. Beginning not to like her at all, just the way his body stance was at the moment.
I walked by NightFang and I could already notice the difference between sisters. “This might not be a good thing ether at least I would think, but we can’t wait around! Mystical captured by the enemy and what so special about him? Besides the mysterious fog he claimed he saw a Spiritwondery. Sounds like NightFang doesn’t believe in the truth, too bad he wasn’t here to prove her wrong! Not only that, the kitsunes dragons are real, I possess them!”
“You’re lying!” Korumak laughed.
“Am I? They did say when I first met them they came from a different realm. Is there a hidden destiny for me to follow?”
“Don’t tell me you don’t believe in the twin kitsunes at all, do you?” Rocky confirmed. He tried to reach for deep answer inside her, as the bitterness came from her tone.
“There are no such things that exist from another realm! No other realm besides the realm of life and realm of death.” NightFang responded irritated by the constant truth we couldn’t let go.
“I can show you the kitsunes that you soooo…much don’t believe in!” I replied not afraid to stand up for my dignity even though I really don’t like them at all.
“No, you don’t know how to control them yet, and that would be a reckless move!” Alpha Commander Flameblazer ordered.
“Why are you so worried?” NightFang asked.
“She can’t control her darkness the power of her aura will consume her. That’ll bring out pure destruction, unless you know the trick to keep the destruction to a minimum?”
“I don’t care about the destruction I bring, because all we want to be is free! If you don’t believe in us, this will be your doing and you can only blame yourself NightFang! For what comes next! If this only way of toying around with you it’s pretty sad and puny,” I felt my body not responding to my commands.
“What is going on?” Rocky spoke lost and scared.
“THIS ISN’T GOOD!” Alpha Commander Flameblazer replied to what was happening.
All I felt I could do was watch helplessly. My aura started to pour out without any way of stopping as it rose to frightening heights. NightFang noticed this unreal event unwrap itself before her. Next my two kitsunes appeared right in front of her unhappy as their necklaces tried to unlock fiercely with no luck unlocking. Not allowing them with my will strong as they tried to break my faith.
“Sensei NightFang this doesn’t look good, should I preform my maneuver?” Korumak asked.
“No, I want to see where this will head.” She responded. Interested in seeing what happens next. I could feel a surge starting to change my will to unlock their full power. Next I lost the caring reason of why I was holding back in the first place to protect my friends. All that mattered now was the truth to show itself, as the madness was my only solid answer I could see.
“Fireflare and Aquafeny let’s show them our true aura flows through us.” The necklaces unlatched themselves as I felt myself losing the battle to control myself immensely.
My Story

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Re: The Wolf with No Howl

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