StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by StormCry »

The twins exchanged glances, then looked back at Raven.
"You really wouldn't mind?" Kieran asked.
Aiden bent down, filled the bucket then handed it out to Raven "Here you go! It's kinda heavy though!"
Kieran grabbed Aiden by the shoulder "Wait, I don't think we should make her do this for us." he said.
Aiden shrugged "We aren't making her. She offered." he looked back at Raven "And, she won't get in trouble for it."
Kieran sighed "Well, I guess she could just leave it at the door. But, if mother finds out that Raven did this for us, she will be REALLY mad." he warned.
Aiden's eyes widened "Oh yeah..." he looked back at Raven and pointed a finger at her "So, don't get caught doing it."
Kieran rolled his eyes at his brother and looked back at Raven "Really, don't have to do this."
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by Shadowfax278 »

Raven shook her head in reply to Aiden's question before hearing everything else that they said. She then took the bucket from Aiden that he had filled up for her and braced herself as it kind of weighed her down on one side and started to give her blisters on her fingers. She then listened to everything else that they said, rolling her eyes a bit when she heard Aiden's statement about not getting caught.
"I won't and I really don't mind doing this for you guys," she said in reply to the former's statement as well as Kieran's last statement.
After a few minutes of her saying her statement, she headed off towards the boy's house. As she approached it after awhile of walking, she was careful to stay away from the windows in case their parents should be anywhere nearby them. She quietly walked up the front porch steps, set the bucket down outside the door, and then made her way quietly down the steps again and back towards where she had left the twins by way of the woods this time so that she could have more cover if she needed to hide.
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by StormCry »

By the time Raven was returning, the twins had taken vines and fashioned a snare in a nearby tree for capturing something.
"Maybe we'll get a deer?" Aiden asked as they finished the snare and snuck around the tree to hide.
"Probably not, but you never know." Kieran said.
They did not know that Raven was approaching.
Just to be clear, time is not a flat circle... That is way too simplistic. It's a little more wibbly-wobbly than that. ~ Chromie
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by Shadowfax278 »

((*pictures how that would turn out in my head* :lol:))

Raven had made it passed the twins' house unnoticed by their parents and was getting closer to where the twins were hiding, not knowing that they had set up a snare in hopes of catching a deer or some other animal. When she got in front of the tree that the snare was under, she looked around for the twins and wondered where they were before getting caught in the trap that was set up for prey. She yelled out in surprise as she got lifted up into the tree, mad at herself for not noticing anything out of the ordinary before she had stepped under the tree.
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by StormCry »

To their surprise, Aiden and Kieran heard someone yell around the tree.
They both came around the tree and looked with wide as as Raven sung in the tree, upside down, caught in the snare.
Suddenly, both boys started laughing hysterically, slapping their knees and holding their ribs.
"We caught a little raven!" Aiden said, dropping to the ground in his laughter.
"Set a trap for a deer and all we got was a raven!" Kieran added, still laughing.
Just to be clear, time is not a flat circle... That is way too simplistic. It's a little more wibbly-wobbly than that. ~ Chromie
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by Shadowfax278 »

((the first "as" should be "eyes" ^_^))

Raven crossed her arms over her chest when she saw and heard the twins laughing hysterically in front of her. She rolled her eyes and took out one of her many daggers from its ankle sheath and started to saw at the rope holding her right foot captive.
"Ha ha very funny," she said dryly before dropping to the ground and landing on both feet while squatting after she got her foot free. She had held onto what was left of the rope that was hanging while she sawed the lower part of the rope off and then dropped afterward.
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by StormCry »

((me no tawk 2 u no mowr........ :P . Honestly, thanks for pointing this stuff out. It keeps me on my toes...))

The twins cut their laughter when Raven dropped to the ground.
"Sorry." Aiden said, standing to his feet "But....that was funny."
Kieran sighed "We were meaning to catch"
Just to be clear, time is not a flat circle... That is way too simplistic. It's a little more wibbly-wobbly than that. ~ Chromie
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by Shadowfax278 »

((hehe :P and you're welcome ^.^))

"It's fine and yeah I know," Raven said in reply to both of their statements with her own sigh before putting her dagger back where it had come from. Then she untied the piece of rope that was still tied around part of her foot after she had detached it from the rest of the rope that was still in the tree.
"Now you'll have to set it up again," she said after she straightened up from squatting. "Sorry about that."
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by StormCry »

Aiden shrugged "We were just doing it for fun." he said, grinning "So, what do we do now?"
Kieran shrugged "We could make fish nets and go fishing....or go frog hunting. We are by the creek."
Just to be clear, time is not a flat circle... That is way too simplistic. It's a little more wibbly-wobbly than that. ~ Chromie
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by Shadowfax278 »

"Okay and we can go frog hunting," Raven said in reply to both of their statements with a small smile now on her face.
She liked hunting for frogs although she did get dirty and wet while doing it but she didn't mind. She had plenty of other outfits that she could change into later if she needed to.
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