Supernatural Warriors (Sf x rose)

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Re: Supernatural Warriors (Sf x rose)

Post by rosemilly »


Russel thought for a moment at Celeste's question, trying to think of the best time to go ring shopping. "Anytime tomorrow works for me. I'm just worried that this party will last too long, and if you knew what my mother's parties are like, you would understand why."


Draco looked down at Lorin, a blush forming when he saw cute the other was being. "Maybe we could talk about us...," he said. He had some of his own questions about their whole situation and just wanted to see where things were headed for the two of this. It didn't take Draco long to catch up, and soon after he did, they started the tour.


Ominous reluctantly pulled back from Mark's lips, looking into his eyes. "I'd feel safer if we weren't up this high in a tree," he said. "Are you ready to go ahead and go back down to the ground?"
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Re: Supernatural Warriors (Sf x rose)

Post by Shadowfax278 »


“Okay and perhaps I can stay the night and then we can go after breakfast,” Celeste said in reply with a smile before squeezing his hand a bit and then letting go of it shortly afterward. “I’ll be back. I need to go to the bathroom,” she said before kissing him softly on the cheek and then heading towards the staircase that led to the second floor and the room she stayed in while spending the night there. She knew where that bathroom was but forgot where any other bathrooms were located on the first floor.

One of Russel’s friends saw her leave his friend’s side and discreetly went after her after finishing drinking his second drink. He was a bit drunk and feeling a little jealous that after Russel and Celeste met they were already engaged to marry each other. All of his own relationships kept ending badly so he wanted to make the former feel the same way he did, or at least make him panic a bit on his very happy day, and the best thing he could think of on how to accomplish that was to take Celeste down the dungeons and put her in a cell for a little while.
When he got up to the second floor, he went to the room he thought she was in and when he heard her come out, went closer. She asked him if he could rezip the zipper on the back of her dress and then if he could help her get back down to where Russel was. He nodded and then helped lead her back downstairs but instead of towards Russel like she requested, he went towards the dungeons. When she realized where they were going, she started to panic and struggle and he tried to get her to calm down because they were on the stairs but she still ended up falling down the rest of the short distance of the staircase and twisted her ankle. One of her glass slippers fell off when she tripped and landed on one of the stairs right before the end of the staircase but was still able to be seen from the top of the stairs. He helped her up but roughly and put her in a cell before heading back upstairs. (thought I’d start this drama and it’s slightly different than I originally planned but oh well)


“Oh okay,” Lorin said in reply with a small blush of his own on his cheeks before he showed him where everything was on the first floor and then went up to the second floor and showed him all of the rooms up there including his own which he saved for last. “This is my room and sorry for the small mess,” he said as he walked in to reveal a mostly organized room with small book piles on the floor at the foot of his bed. “I was researching some stuff but forgot to put the books back on the shelves.”


Mark looked back into Ominous’ eyes while listening to everything he said and asked before nodding and saying in reply to the question, “Yep if you are. Want to do anymore work on the house or should we continue with it tomorrow and do something else?” This last thing he asked was asked with curiosity of what they could do once they got back down.
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Re: Supernatural Warriors (Sf x rose)

Post by rosemilly »


Russel waited patiently for Celeste for awhile, but after some time, he began to get worried. He started to go around and look for her.


"This a mess? This is not a mess," Draco said with a laugh as he looked around Lorin's room, smiling at him. He moved to sit down so that they could get to talking. "So Lorin, how do you feel about us?"


Ominous though for a moment. "Let's continue tomorrow," he said as he wrapped his around around Mark before glidding them down to the ground safely and carefully. "Do you want to make some furniture to go inside?"
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Re: Supernatural Warriors (Sf x rose)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

Celeste/Bryan (npc friend of Russel)

Celeste sat with her back against one of the walls of the cell that she was put in while letting the leg that had the twisted ankle be stretched out in front of her so that she wasn't making it worse by accidentally sitting on it. She sighed and hoped that Russel would find her soon.

Bryan left the dungeon and walked around, talking to the people there and tried to act like he had never left the party area.


"It is to me. Usually I'm more organized than this," Lorin said in reply to Draco's question and short statement before also sitting down on his bed and then hearing the question that followed. He blushed a bit before saying a bit shyly in reply, "Um well I like you and was starting to wonder if we could be something more than what we are now."


"Okay," Mark said in reply before having one of Ominous' arm be wrapped around him and as the former glided both safely and carefully back down to the ground. "Sure we can or maybe we can go to a cheap furniture place nearby to get some pieces we like."
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Re: Supernatural Warriors (Sf x rose)

Post by rosemilly »

Soon Russel came across Bryan, smiling at him as he approached. "Hey Bryan, have you seen Celeste anywhere? She left to go to the bathroom, but she hasn't came back for awhile," he said, looking extremely worried. This was supposed to be a big day for them, but now she was missing. He hoped that an enemy kingdom didn't come and steal her away.


"It's alright. I don't mind," Draco said, chuckling at how cute Lorin was being. He had never met someone that he thought was this cute before. Maybe Lorin was right and they should try to be something more if he was feeling this way. "If you want to be something more, I don't mind trying. So... should I take you out on a date or something?"


Ominous leaned over to gently kiss Mark's cheek. "I'm fine with whatever you'd prefer." If Mark wanted furniture that was already made, then that's what they were going to get. Ominous himself didn't care that much as long as the furniture was comfortable and worked for their specific needs.
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Re: Supernatural Warriors (Sf x rose)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

Bryan turned to look at Russel when he heard him greet him as well as ask if he had seen Celeste at all. “Hey Russ and no I haven’t seen her. I wonder where she could have gone after she went to the bathroom. Maybe she got lost?” he said and asked in reply as casually as he could and with a small shrug.

Celeste had tears going down her cheeks after awhile due to her ankle starting to hurt a bit more now and she couldn’t help the tears. “Help!” she yelled as loud as she could even if she was in the dungeon. She was hoping that someone would still hear her.


“Oh um okay good to know,” Lorin said in reply to Draco’s first couple of short statements before hearing everything else he said as well as what he asked afterward. He blushed a bit more before saying shyly in reply, “Um I’d be okay with it only if you are. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable if you don’t want to be anything more. Um if you want.”


“Oh uh are you sure? I don’t want to choose anything that you don’t want in our future home,” Mark said in reply with a very light blush on his cheeks. “So should we head to that store now?” he asked after a few minutes of silence that had fallen between them.
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Re: Supernatural Warriors (Sf x rose)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

((starting this over. we took a bit of a hiatus from it and have decided to start it over in order to continue it))

~~*Doctor Who telephone booth noises continue*~~


Celeste was getting ready for yet another ball that she was going to go to with her parents. She had been going to these things for a few weeks now and mostly in a row and she was starting to get tired of them by now. She knew what they were doing and didn't like the idea of getting set up for an arranged marriage. She knew that she was a princess and that she needed to go to these events but at the same time, also wanted some time to herself as well so that she could relax and also just do her own thing such as reading or stargazing. It had literally been weeks since she had last done those things. After she had gotten the dress she had picked out with her mom's help, a pretty silver and gold gown, put on, the former helped do her hair after she had zipped up the back of the dress. She made sure to put her crown on and then stepped back to look at her afterward.
"You look lovely dear. More so than the more recent one we went to," Xenia (like the flower; couldn't remember what I had her name be in the very first one that started out as a group and then turned into a 1x1 so I gave her a new one) said with a smile on her face.
"Thanks mom," Celeste said in reply with a small strained smile that she tried to make look real and not forced before heading towards her bedroom door and then heading towards the stairs afterward. Xenia followed after her and met her father, Zander, in the foyer before they went to and got in the waiting horse-drawn carriage in the gravel driveway.
Celeste let out a sigh when she saw it and asked, "Remind me again why we couldn't travel in the car? It would be much faster than this."
"We like being old fashioned and it would make us much fancier than traveling in a car," Xenia said in reply while Zander just nodded in agreement but didn't say anything.
Celeste sighed again and just looked out the window to watch the scenery pass by, hoping that they'd get there before sunset. A little while later, they arrived in front of the castle where the ball was to be held and she was surprised to see that it was just before sunset. She got out with her parents and they started to head into the castle while their driver put the carriage someplace else for now.


Lorin was reading in the woods at the moment while his mom was out at another party which he was happy not to attend. He hated those things. Girls always fell all over him and made him feel a bit uncomfortable. His mom wanted him to fall in love with a pretty princess to settle down with, but he wasn't into them. His father understood that and didn't force him to go to these events which made him relieved, but he hadn't seen his father in awhile so he had to convince his mom on his own with different excuses not to go. She fell for them at times but others, she didn't and he had to go anyway. This time, he was more convincing. After he finished reading a page, he put a bookmark in the book at the place he was done reading in at the moment, put it in a hole in the tree he was sitting against with the other books that were stashed away there, and then got up to head into town to walk around (possibly thinking this is where Russel and Draco's mom could kidnap him from or we can do that a bit later if she needs to be at the ball).


*I forgot about him and Ominous. oops >.<. where and when should they meet? we can also not continue with them in this version if you don’t want to*
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Re: Supernatural Warriors (Sf x rose)

Post by rosemilly »

It was dark in the kingdom of Vampire, but that was usually how it was. Rarely, if ever, there were few moments during the day in which light came out, which made it the area perfect for vampires and other night-dwelling supernatural creatures to live in. But today wasn’t an ordinary day. Today there was a royal ball where all across the lands were here to meet with the princes. Perhaps even some would get lucky and catch one of their eyes, which is probably why many from all over the land were planning on attending. Meanwhile, their mother, Vanessa, had other plans in mind, leaving one of her sons, Draco, to hold down the fort until she returned.

“Russel, what even is the point of all of this anymore? Mother even ran off, leaving us with all these peasants when she was the one who decided to throw this ball anyway…” Draco, the oldest twin, grumbled. In his eyes, his mother should be the one here tending to her guests like a good hostess so that he could just stay locked in his room away from all this. It wasn’t that he wouldn’t put up with it, but he would rather not unless he had to. They were vampires for goodness sake. They had plenty of time to find suitors if that was what their mother was worried about.

Russel let out a sigh. “Draco, you know mother wants the best for us. You’re just going to have to put up with it. You’re a prince, and you need to act like one.” With that, the younger prince went out to greet people as they came in through the entrance of the palace, wanting to be a good host and show his hospitality.


While all the other nobles were heading to the castle of Vampira, their queen was out and about looking for something. Well… someone. She was cloaked in black, wearing heavy makeup, and dressed down into peasant attire so that no one around her would be able to recognize who she was. It wasn’t too odd for someone to wear cloaks around this part of the city, especially those supernatural creatures who visited and didn’t want trouble from hostile vampires. The thing is that Evaline was the enemy of Vampira, and that was exactly why she had gone out this very evening. She had heard word of an elf living in their kingdom, and if this was true, she needed to take care of the threat before things got out of hand. This elf could possibly be spying on Vampira troops or stealing from their supplies!

(We can always just add those two in later. Lol.)
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Re: Supernatural Warriors (Sf x rose)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

((okie doke ^_^))


Celeste walked around the first level of the castle that had the ball, looking around at everything with interest. She had gotten a few cups of punch earlier and now ventured outside to get some air as the heat from the big crowd that was in the ballroom was starting to get to her. After walking around outside for a few more minutes or so, she went back inside and that was when she saw the younger Grim twin walk around to talk to everyone there. She thought he looked very handsome, but also sighed sadly as she thought that maybe he wouldn’t even notice her. Other princes that she had been to balls for in the past hadn’t so why would he? She found a settee near one of the windows that overlooked the garden and sat down on it, looking out at all of the beautiful flowers that were there shortly afterward.


Lorin continued to walk around in the city of Evaline, looking at the food that the stalls there were selling and tried to think if they needed any more of those things back at home or not. He was unaware of anyone wanting to possibly abduct him for possible evil things he may or may not do such as spying. He wars very focused on the wares that were being sold and not of anyone there that might be giving him weird looks as he passed by.

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