Magistream Roleplay

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Re: Magistream Roleplay

Post by audrei9 »

Cindertail wrote: December 30th, 2023, 4:08:47 pm Maybe, since we're all new magi, we could pick up after orientation? Like, we've just been shown around the Keep and are now able to wander more-or-less freely? //
((Yess that would be good!! BTW sorry for taking so long to respond, I kept on wanting to start but I had repeated headaches and couldn't mantain eye contact with a computer screen))

((also in the future can you guys go and take this to the backstage? Because this is the thread for roleplaying. Thank you!!))

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Re: Magistream Roleplay

Post by audrei9 »

Laus kept his eyes straight ahead, moving briskly but also as quickly as he could, hesitantly intent on keeping a balance between staying calm about his mission and channeling the fear involved in doing so into ignoring the muscle pain he slowly but surely was gathering. He hadn't kept track on when exactly he had left the Etain Desert, but even through his anxiety he could tell that it was irrational to continue to worry about any pursuers at this distance or time, especially since he hadn't heard anything that would remotely indicate he was being followed all this while he had strained his ears.

The movement had shifted the egg in his arms, and he felt the hair-thin fissures that had grabbed his gaze lightly press against his damp but drying shirt. He took a moment to readjust his careful but firm grip on the egg before picking up speed again.

Never mind the parent, why was this egg abandoned to begin with? He swore it was bleeding when he lifted it from the water. Shouldn't something as great and fearsome as a nandi bear protect its young even further if it were injured? The thought made him realise that it wasn't pursuit from an enraged parent he feared the most, but the fridge logic of what had caused the egg's desertion. At this rate, he couldn't wait to return to the keep. The anxiety over collecting his first companion "the traditional way", as Senior Poyner had instructed him was more than enough for today. He just hoped that the task of healing this poor creature wasn't given to him as well, because all he had learned from his time in the library was how much more he didn't know about the stream and its creatures.

He stopped abruptly, both because he suddenly had the idea of bandaging the egg in case it was bleeding, and because he thought he had spotted a magi in the distance he recognised. But who? He strained to remember their name...

((ooc but that's your cue to talk to him! :wave: ))

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Re: Magistream Roleplay

Post by faedemon »

Alan has been a full student magi for a few years now. He's long gone through the orientation process—but, now that he's finally plucked an egg from the Stream, and even more so after the disaster with the netting incident and his unexpected second egg, he feels like a total newbie again. Despite the creature care lessons Alan has taken, and the volunteering he does around the Keep, he's desperately unsure of his abilities to care either for the scarf wyrm egg pillowed safely in his chambers or the trench leviathan egg kept safely at the lake with other magi's aquatic eggs.

Maybe that's why he's here. As the new student magi, of varying ages and with varying expressions of excitement or nerves, flood out onto the Keep grounds to explore their new home, Alan thinks that maybe he'll feel competent in comparison to them. Maybe there will even be someone he can show the ropes to.

So far, it isn't helping much. Alan can't help but think about how far behind he is, compared to his peers—all of those students who started at the same time as him have long had their own creatures. Sigh.

He's about to turn away from the throng of newbies and wander over to the lake, to check like a mother hen on his egg, when he sees a person unexpectedly moving against the crowd. The figure, cradling an egg, looks worried. Alan steps forward from the wall he'd been leaning against, brows furrowing in concern. He recognizes the person—it's the new naga ally; Alan had briefly met him some days ago. They'd exchanged names, but it slips Alan's mind for a moment... oh!

"Laus?" Alan calls. "Are you alright?"
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Re: Magistream Roleplay

Post by audrei9 »

"Oh! Uhhhh hi Alan," Laus startles, "I don't really know. I'm probably overthinking it."
He did his best to shrug while stably holding the egg. Realising that probably wasn't a satisfactory reply, he continued.
"Actually... I kind of picked this egg up just then. I'm not sure what to do. It has a crack in it I think..."
Laus carefully approached Alan and lifted the egg, turning it slowly to show it from all angles. To his relief, the delicate cracks didn't appear to have gotten any bigger since he first retrieved the egg.

"Sorry if I'm being vague. I'm a little nervous... I've never cared for any creature before, and seeing this egg hurt means- I mean, I think I messed up already. It was already like this when I found it, and I think I saw it dripping red when I lifted it up? Uhh, do you know any healers around here?"

Laus gave Alan an unsure smile- his usual method of easing tension, but mostly to calm his own insecurity. He had stuttered more than he was comfortable with in his greeting, and could feel his social anxiety already generating baseless accusations of how his peer was thinking about him.
"It's a nandi bear egg, by the way. Senior Poyner told me that they protect their eggs fiercely, but there wasn't a parent guarding this egg for some reason..."

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Re: Magistream Roleplay

Post by Cindertail »

Ember honestly hadn't wanted to go this way - the egg cradled in their arms needed to be taken to their room so they could properly care for it - but their exhaustion and the warmth of the crowd meant that they had (rather mindlessly) gotten caught up in the rush.

They sidestep to allow an anxious-looking naga clutching an egg to pass without issue, watching with sleepy eyes as his scaled tail slid past them. Attention successfully caught by the curious movement and pattern, they don't even notice that they've turned and followed until the naga stops to talk. Embarrassed, Ember jolts back to awareness, flattening their ears and turning to duck back into the crowd - except now the group of magi have drifted too far away, leaving them exposed as they flee - or, well, they as would've, but the word "healer" catches their attention and gives them pause.

"- healers around here?" It's the naga speaking, judging by the nervous tone of the question. Ember turns back as he continues, studying him and his conversation partner. "It's a nandi bear egg, by the way. Senior Poyner told me that they protect their eggs fiercely, but there wasn't a parent guarding this egg for some reason..."

They inhale once, for courage, and step closer, cradling their egg to their chest comfortingly as they speak before the human can. "Pardon me, but I couldn't- I heard you mention that you were looking for a healer? I'm not the most experienced, but I can tell you how badly hurt your egg is, if you'd like."

// For clarification, it's the night after the full moon, just to give myself as much time as I can before Shenanigans™ (probably) happen.
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Re: Magistream Roleplay

Post by faedemon »

As Laus speaks, Alan looks over the egg in his arms. It definitely doesn't look too happy—the fracture isn't a good sign, although it can be dealt with. What's more of a problem is the dripping red he'd mentioned, and... is the egg quite the right color...? Alan's done quite a bit of work by now in creature care, and is proficient (if not confident) in handling a number of species, and he of course went through the same egg care course that all magi go through before picking up a creature, but dealing with sick or hurt eggs isn't something Alan has learned yet. He's at a bit of a loss.

So much for showing a younger magi the ropes.

Alan's running through a mental list of folk at the Keep they could ask help of when a new voice catches both their attention: a person, split off from the escaping crowd of new magi. Curious—they look older than the usual brood of new students, probably closer to around Alan's age; he wouldn't expect them to be new except that he's never seen them before.

"Could you?" Alan says, curious. "That'd be great, if so."
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Re: Magistream Roleplay

Post by audrei9 »

"Could you? That'd be great, if so."

Laus shifted his gaze from the werecat student who had just appeared, to Alan, then back to the nandi bear egg. He gave a nod in Alan's direction, mildly envying him for having normal social skills.
"Okay-" he said to the werecat, "I'd very much prefer if this egg was taken care of sooner than later, but can I come with you and see what you do? The teachers said it would be good to keep a careful eye on the egg."
He shifted uncomfortably and took a breath.
"...sorry if that sounds stupid. I don't really have any knowledge about healing, so there's nothing much I can bring. I'll stay out of the way, I promise."

He should have greeted the werecat. Their name was Ember, he was pretty sure he recalled that correctly. But alas, his social anxiety chained his throat and made him stutter. So instead, he gently offered his egg towards Ember the healer, trying not to look at the scattering of students walking around them who held perfectly healthy eggs.
I'm PROTECTING this egg was what he told himself, though he couldn't help but feel nervous about the thought of them judging and blaming him for the egg's injury.

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Re: Magistream Roleplay

Post by EstherGamer »

Eivee, with her thoughts elsewhere at the moment, almost bumps into one of the others while on the way to her room. She notices in time to stop walking, but seems embarrassed anyway.
“O-oh, sorry… I’ve been nervous all day and I wasn’t paying attention to what’s going on around me...”
(Almost forgot to mention this but I always mark thoughts <like this>, for when it becomes relevant)
(Sorry for the delay, life's been a bit of a mess lately and I kept forgetting to write this)
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Re: Magistream Roleplay

Post by EstherGamer »

Eivee, with her thoughts elsewhere at the moment, almost bumps into one of the others while on the way to her room. She notices in time to stop walking, but seems embarrassed anyway.
“O-oh, sorry… I’ve been nervous all day and I wasn’t paying attention to what’s going on around me...”
(Almost forgot to mention this but I always mark thoughts <like this>, for when it becomes relevant)
(Sorry for the delay, life's been a bit of a mess lately and I kept forgetting to write this)

(I blame my mouse for the doublepost, it keeps doubleclicking when I only hit the button once. -. -)
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Re: Magistream Roleplay

Post by faedemon »

Alan turns at the sound of a new voice—a girl on the younger side, a bit nervous-looking, who's almost bumped into him. Alan might usually be a bit overwhelmed at all the new people around him, but since this one and Laus seem so unsure, Alan instinctually sucks it up and tries to keep everyone calm. Mostly, he wants to make sure the egg isn't gravely injured.

"It's alright. We're just checking out Laus' egg here, making sure everything's alright." He steps back, next to the newcomer, to watch the other person examine the egg in Laus' arms. "You look on the young side. Did you just come from the new magi orientation?"
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