What do you think of your Zodiac?

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Do you like your zodiac?

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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by Warriorcatkitty »

Cancer (sun sign), and honestly out of all of the zodiac signs I think it actually does fit me the best! The fact that it is a water sign and is ruled by the moon is really interesting since I feel a connection towards both of those things. If there were any other sign that could possibly fit me, it might be Gemini, although I am much more introverted than they are described to be, which is why I think Cancer fits better. And it just so happens that Gemini is my moon sign! So yeah. I think my sun sign fits me very well, and my moon sign makes sense too.
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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by Alliecakes »

I only think of my zodiac in terms of how it relates to Homestuck. I’m a Scorpio, making Vriska Serket my Patron Troll. I think of her as a kismesis of sorts; having caliginous feelings for her. I mean yeah that means I have a crush on a fictional character, but who doesn’t these days? (/rhetorical question)
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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by anticlaire »

I love my zodiac!!!!! virgos have a pretty good reputation overall and it's pretty silly when someone tells me that I'm acting like such a virgo in a moment. I actually think that my entire big three fits me pretty well. I also really love guessing someone else's sign (especially when I'm right) :)))))
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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by lyndsbro »

i am a sagittarius sun, scorpio moon, and capricorn rising. I feel like those all three are crazy signs. Sagittarius is a mutable sign, meaning it is associated with adaptability and flexibility. This perfectly reflects the archers' deep-rooted desire for change. Sagittarians are born to explore and it is critical that these archers have the freedom to roam. Fueled by wanderlust, these archers can be found traversing all corners of the world on thrill-seeking expeditions, chasing after geographical, intellectual, and spiritual adventures. Sagittarians are on a perpetual quest for knowledge, which makes them incredible storytellers, entertainers, and creatives. It's not all fun and games, however: Sagittarius is notorious for its signature bluntness, and their "brutal honesty" can often lead to misunderstandings, communication breakdowns, and lots of hurt feelings. But the good news? Sagittarius doesn't take anything too seriously, so it's hard to stay mad at these wild optimists. Scorpio is one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac. Because of its incredible passion and power, Scorpio is often mistaken for a fire sign. In fact, Scorpio is a water sign that derives its strength from the psychic, emotional realm. Like fellow water signs, Cancer and Pisces, Scorpio is extremely clairvoyant and intuitive.Inside every earnest Capricorn is a mischievous troublemaker (in tarot, Capricorn is symbolized by the "devil" card). Though this earth sign may seem a bit conservative and restrained at first, Capricorn's closest friends and lovers know that these sea goats love to party. So they are all crazy (i got this all from allure.com). they all work together but soemtimes it feels like they are working agagsint eachother. either way, i love my birth chart.
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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by lyndsbro »

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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by LunarCut47 »

I'm an Aquarius, and I'd say I like it. Almost all the posts I see about Aquarius are spot on lol
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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by wavyghost »

Sagittarius, which is apparently a fire sign.

According to this site, I have a "dynamic blend of passion, curiosity, intensity, and adaptability." I feel like that could apply :)

"it is critical that these archers have the freedom to roam" - this is certainly true for me. I like doing things my way, in my own time. I don't like being told to do and will often find some way around what I was told to do. I mean, unless of course it's for work :p

There are a few other things on this page I generally agree with. And I like to say sometimes that I'm a fire sign, and that's why I'm explosive.
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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by VirtusVita »

anticlaire wrote:I love my zodiac!!!!! virgos have a pretty good reputation overall and it's pretty silly when someone tells me that I'm acting like such a virgo in a moment. I actually think that my entire big three fits me pretty well. I also really love guessing someone else's sign (especially when I'm right) :)))))
I’m a Virgo too and I’m obsessed with guessing people’s signs. I take pride in being a Virgo, I spend time cleaning and planning, I find it relaxing. But I also match some of the bad characteristics of Virgos. I’m an anxious person and I like things done my way!
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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by Starmadnessgod »

I love mine. I am an adventurous, loving, caring,curious dude.
It explains a lot about me
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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by branded »

yES I ADORE MY ZODIAC !!!! Me beloved Bull Tauros <33 Hes strong, stubborn (yet loyal) and hardworking and extremely loving and caring as a partner/professionally. And ofc I just ADORE bulls, I've literally loved cows my whole life and it always added up to me being a big ol Tauros heheheehd So overall yes I do love being a bull boy, but sometimes I think it would be fun to be a more wild Scorpio or Aries sometimes LOL
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