Escaping the Prison (ShadowxRosemilly)

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Re: Escaping the Prison (ShadowxRosemilly)

Post by Shadowfax278 »


"Okay and sure," Luke said in reply before leading the way out of the restaurant and then stopping down the sidewalk a little ways away from where they currently were to wait for Octavian and Lucius. There was a shopping center next to where they were that had a Walmart in it that they could get the things that they needed from.


"Okay then we'll go find that suite first and then continue where we left off. I'll leave a note for Lewis and Michael if they come find us later after they get back from grocery shopping," Leo said in reply with a smile before locating another sticky note and writing down where they moved to.


"Oh okay," Lewis said in reply to what Michael said about the other demons not knowing his, Vince, or Leo's names. He then heard the question the former asked after he had said the other statement about Vince and Leo having a list for Preston. "My mom gave me some when I was at home that brief time before those demons found us and abducted you, Vince and Leo again," he said in reply to it before getting out the money he had been given out of his pants pocket.
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Re: Escaping the Prison (ShadowxRosemilly)

Post by rosemilly »

Octavian and Lucius

It didn't take long for the two other demons to catch up to Luke. Lucius seemed really excited to go shopping since that was something that his henchmen did for him. "All of this is just for one grocery store?"

Preston and Vince

Vince nodded, packing up their things before picking up Preston. He was ready for their move, and he was hoping that it wouldn't take them to long to transfer all of their things over to the new room, which it probably wouldn't because they didn't have many things.


Michal nodded. "That should be enough until we are able to get ourselves started," he said, smiling at Lewis. They had to buy food, water, and other necessities, but they also had to get a job so that their money wouldn't run out completely. "Are you ready to get going right now?"
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Re: Escaping the Prison (ShadowxRosemilly)

Post by Shadowfax278 »


“There’s other shops in this shopping center so they’re not a part of the grocery store,” Luke tried to explain to Lucius as he figured why he had asked what he did was because he didn’t usually go out with him or Octavian when they went to get groceries. “The only part of the shopping center that’s part of the grocery store is the garden center that’s next to it. What you get from the garden center are flowers and things to help plant the flowers as well as patio furniture.” These last few statements he added as a further explanation as he continued to walk with Octavian and Lucius towards the Wal Mart.


When Leo saw that Vince had their stuff and Preston along with the baby’s stuff, he headed to the door, and opened it for the former as he stood behind it outside the room since he had his hands and arms full. “I can carry the baby bag if you’d like me to since I’m not carrying anything at the moment,” he offered. He wouldn’t mind having the bag be on his shoulder as he would have Vince be in his arms when he would fly up the stairwell later since the bag wouldn’t be too heavy for him.


“Okay and yes I’m ready if you are. I think I noticed a Walmart not too far from here when we got into town yesterday (I can edit it to say earlier that afternoon instead) that we can go to in order to get the things we’ll need for now. I can also get a job there or at a bar nearby to earn money we can use for more things later on,” Lewis said in reply to Michael’s first statement as well as his question and then also added another few statements as suggestions of where to go and where he can apply for a job.
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Re: Escaping the Prison (ShadowxRosemilly)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

((starting this over. we took a bit of a hiatus from it and have decided how to continue it))

~~*Doctor Who telephone box noises*~~


Leo looked out of the the too tiny cage he was in, being a bit bored and letting out a sigh because of that. He turned his attention to be staring up at the ceiling after that before a movement caught his eye out of the corner of his eye. He turned and his eyes got really wide when he saw his twin brother being brought in while struggling a bit. He tried to sit up and get closer to the bars, he had been laying down all scrunched up before, but only ended up hitting his head. He cursed softly to himself and wanted to call out to his brother, but didn't want to get in trouble for something so small/trivial because they were notorious for that sort of thing. So instead, he put his hands on the bars and hoped that his expression would get his brother's attention and he'd see him.


Lewis was walking around town when he was grabbed by some people that were in dark clothes. He tried to scream, but a cloth that was put over his mouth prevented him from doing that. He was knocked out by some chemical and slumped in their arms as they carried him to some sort of warehouse-looking thing that was the prison. One of them opened the back door with a key card up against the touch pad that was there and then held it open while the other one made his way into the hallway with Lewis. Lewis came to just as they were passing by his brother who had gone missing a couple of weeks earlier. His own eyes widened and his mouth moved to say his name, but it was spoken very softly. He looked across the hall towards him as he was put in a mirror too small cage like his brother's. He sat with his arms over his knees (like L in Death Note) because the only way he could sit in the tiny thing and noticed that his brother had a pair of black wings that he swore weren't there weeks earlier when he had last seen him. He tilted his head curiously and wondered if maybe he had gotten them while in this strange place. He wanted to talk to him, but wasn't sure if he was allowed to or not.


*not sure what to put for him yet or if we're going to wait until a bit later to bring him and Octavian back in*
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Re: Escaping the Prison (ShadowxRosemilly)

Post by rosemilly »

As far as Vince knew, he had been in this place most of his life. All of his memories were of this place. The screaming. The yelling. The cries of pain and agony. It was all he had ever know.

Now, Vince was luckier than others in the prison. Many of the scientists know who he was, and he wasn't treated that badly. Sure, he had some procedures done to him every now and then, but it wasn't the worst thing he had ever experienced. His soft neko ears and tail would even get attention afterwards from the caretakers. Even at that, he was malnourished like many of the others her.

Vince's cage was right next to an unoccupied one. It was lonely from time to time, but he was sure it would be filled eventually. Across from him was another experiment who had not been there long. The experiment (Leo) looked all cramped in his much too small of cage unlike himself. Vince was on the smaller side, so he could move around the cage much easier. He was intrigued, no curious about this one.


Michael was one of the demons who just walked around and helped the scientists whenever they needed help. It wasn't that bad of a job, but... he hated it. The prince of demons working undercover with these... these monsters. It was despicable. Thankfully, none of the other demons realized that he was their prince with the help of his human form. Sure, a demon was one to talk, but he couldn't reason with himself why these sort of experiments would be okay. He always felt bad for the young ones when they were experimented on.

This time Michael's attention was caught by a new experiment (Lewis) being brought in. He wasn't struggling like most would have been in his situation, but he could definitely see the prize. "What's the plan with this one?" he asked the hunters. That's what they called the ones who brought in the new ones, and they would also be the ones who would look for the ones that had escaped.... No one had yet managed to escape.
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Re: Escaping the Prison (ShadowxRosemilly)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

Leo watched sadly as Lewis was put in a mirror-like too small cage just like the one he was in before he looked over at the cage next to his brother's (guessing that's the one Vince is in?). He tilted his head the slightest bit and took interest in the neko just as the latter seemed to take interest in him. He knew that he had been there for awhile, before he had come even, but didn't know what he could do to talk to him. Then an idea popped into his head and he pulled out a piece of metal that he had taken from the experiment room awhile back the last time he had been pricked and tortured and put it in the lock after moving to be on his stomach from being on his back. He turned it a few times in order to unlock the lock that was there and then once he heard the click of it unlocking, he opened the cage's door and then walked both quickly and softly over to the other cages when he made sure no one was looking. He looked for a piece of paper and writing utensil, wrote on it his name before writing a question that was asking what his own (Vince's) name while sitting down and straightening his back a bit, and then folded it into a paper airplane afterward before throwing it over to the neko's cage. He then quickly went back into his cage after putting the pen back where he had found it and closed it to make the locking sound once again before laying back down on his back and being cramped once again when he heard footsteps approaching. He also made sure to put the piece of metal back in his pocket before it was seen.

Lewis looked across at his brother when he saw him open his cage and throw a paper airplane note across to his neighbor. He briefly looked over at him and gave him a small, shy and nervous smile before looking back down at his lap afterward. He wished he was brave like his brother, but didn't have the same materials as him to get out; at least, not yet. He looked up again when he heard voices and footsteps down the hall from them, but then quickly looked back down again when he noticed one of the "hunters" look over at him.
"We're not sure yet. We were only told to bring him here, but we weren't told what the plan with him was after he was brought here. I'm guessing the same thing that was done to his brother will be done to him," he said in reply to Michael's question while turning his attention to be back on him from being on Lewis.
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Re: Escaping the Prison (ShadowxRosemilly)

Post by rosemilly »

Vince was... very confused as he watched the experiment across from him get free from his cage. Never had he seen anything like this in all the years that he had been here, but... it was definitely intriguing. What was most confusing was seeing the experiment get a pen and paper. Wouldn't it be smarter to try and escape from this place? He was sure that if he was careful enough he could sneak through, but maybe not. They did have very good security here, making anything like that a lot harder to achieve than it needed to be. Vincent watched the experiment's movements with wonder in his eyes, his golden eyes not leaving him for even a second.

Upon seeing the paper airplane, Vince reached through the bars of his cage and pulled it inside, opening it up. Without something to write back with, there was no way that they could communicate back and forth by paper plane. "Vince," he softly called over, moving to lay on his stomach with his tail swishing back and forth behind him.

It wasn't too much longer before the neko noticed a being almost identical to the one across from him. He did a double take before his gaze rested on the newcomer. "Hello. I'm Vince. Are you two related by chance?" he asked, pointing over at the experiment who he now knew was named Leo. It was a name that definitely suited such a bold character. "You two look exactly the same." Never before had he seen twins in person though he had heard of them before. It made him quite interested in learning more about the two.

"So let me give you a quick rundown. Be cute and lovey towards them, and they'll go easy on you," Vince said, motioning to the scientists that were in front of them. Little did he know that only worked because he was a neko, but oh well. He was trying his best to help the obviously scared newcomer. "And that demon there is Michael. Demons work for the science facility here, and you should probably avoid any of them except Michael." He motioned to the set of legs in front of them that was covered in dark clothing. "For a demon, he's pretty nice. He helps out the caregivers when they are short-staved." He looked around before leaning forward to whisper to the newcomer. "He'll even give us extra food just cause."


"Go pick up your check then. Don't loiter. We're busy enough here without you two around, and we don't need hunters clogging up the place." Michael shooed the hunters away. He walked away for a few moments before coming back and crouching down in front of the newcomer's cage. With one look, he could tell that this one was much cuter than his twin brother. His personality was totally different. "Are you doing okay?" he asked as he put water and food in the cage for the newcomer. "No injuries or anything, right?"
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Re: Escaping the Prison (ShadowxRosemilly)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

Leo heard what the neko, Vince, called back to him and he smiled a bit. "It's nice to meet you," he called back just as softly before seeing Michael crouch down in front of Lewis' cage to see how he was doing as well as to give him some food and water. He hoped he'd be okay here and not get as many experiments and tortures done to him as he himself had gotten. He wasn't sure why they were brought here, but perhaps he'd ask Michael that later because maybe he knew. He had his attention to go back to being on the ceiling, trying to think up a way for all of them to escape.

Lewis looked up from his lap to look over at the neko next to him when he heard him start to talk to him and to give him some advice. "I'm Lewis and yes. We're brothers and twins. He's now slightly different from me as he seems to have gotten wings. Not sure how, though. Thank you for the information," he said in reply with a small smile as he was starting to feel a bit better and not as scared as he was earlier when he was brought to the place. He looked over at the demon that Vince mentioned, Michael, and thought the same when he started to talk to him and ask him questions as well as to think to himself, He's also very hot. "I'm okay, but I might be better if I had a slightly bigger cage. That probably won't happen, though but it's just wishful thinking on my part. Thank you for the food and water and no I don't at the moment," he said in reply with the smile back on his face but also with a small blush on his cheeks that appeared.
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Re: Escaping the Prison (ShadowxRosemilly)

Post by rosemilly »

Vince couldn't help but smile at Leo's words. He seemed nice, but... he was also full of hope unlike many of the others that were either born here or that had been here for such a long time. Vince, unlike many of the others, didn't seem all that interested in escaping since there never seemed to be a good plan to escape. And it wasn't like others hadn't tried before either, but they never seemed to have gotten far. So he just bathed in the attention that the scientists gave him just because he was a neko. And a cute one at that!

Vincent's attention soon turned towards Lewis. "Well... you are in a lab. This is where experiments are performed. I was actually born here, and I've been like this my whole life. You and your brother on the other hand were changed by the scientists." How exactly, he had no clue, but some explanation was better than none. "I'm supposed to be having a special operation soon, and I wouldn't be surprised if they took you around the same time, too." They always tended to have surgeries around the same time of the day to make things more convenient.

"I'm afraid that I can't help you with that. I'm sure that it won't be long before they do something with you as well." As long as they were in this lab, experimentation was inevitable. Marshal didn't like seeing how these mortals had to suffer, but it wasn't something that he could do anything about. He was hiding from his people, and things could go downhill very quick if the other demons found out about his true identity. It wasn't long before he was some scientists turn into the aisle that they were currently in. "I need to go. If you need anything at all, feel free to let me go." With that, he stood up to start acting like the other demons so that he wouldn't get in trouble.

(You want to play the scientists? And should they have their operations now so they have some time to recover before the escape?)
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Re: Escaping the Prison (ShadowxRosemilly)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

((sure and that would work. sorry for the really late reply in here; got a bit sidetracked with updating my profile in here as well as getting a few new creatures and rl stuff))

"Oh and you were born here? Must be hard being in a cage most of the time. I'm not really a huge fan of small spaces. I've only just arrived, but I see that my brother was changed slightly. I hope the experiments that were done to him didn't hurt too badly. Oh okay," Lewis said and asked in reply to everything that Vince said before turning his attention to be on Michael as he also listened to everything he said. "Oh and that's okay. I just thought I'd ask is all. Like I mentioned to Vince, I'm not a huge fan of small spaces but I can just deal with it. Okay I will," he said in reply while also hearing the footsteps approaching before watching Michael walk away.
"Alright it's time for your special operation Vince and we'll take you as well for your first batch of experimentations," one of the two scientists said to them once they were in front of their cages. The second one crouched down in front of Vince's cage to unlock it to let him out while the first one that had talked to them did the same thing to Lewis' cage. Lewis took a few minutes to stretch out his back before looking and feeling a bit nervous as to what these experiments would do and if they would hurt at all. He was then led to a hallway with doors, being led into one shortly afterward while the second scientist did the same with Vince after the latter got out of his cage.
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