What do you think of your Zodiac?

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Do you like your zodiac?

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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by shadowfighter »

I'm a Gemini, and a horse in the Chinese zodiac. I think I really fit the horse, I can be really artistic when I want to be, but most of the time I don't want to be so my family thinks I can't draw XD I also don't like staying in one place for to long, but I'm a kid so 'It doesn't matter'.
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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by Eloranondra »

Courage and Passion and Impulsiveness are in both of my sign's descriptions.
What I like about the western zodiac signs is that Aries is the first, but Leo is the king and Scorpio is the strongest (who is my sister and yeesh!) I am an Aries and easily get confused as to how people don't think that the universe revolves around me. I'm really self-absorbed to a fault (I made two boys cry within the same week, help! On a side note I am trying my hardest not to be so self-centered, but one of those boys is a stubborn, pathetic, winy little ... who still wants to be pitied after a month! I apologized and tried to make it up to him for two days, all I can offer him now is trying my best not to be caught up in my own self so much again that I end up using everyone else around me for my own purposes) My impulsiveness and honesty also gets me in trouble a lot, but my pride burns like a fire in public making it seem like I don't care what other people think of me. On the inside though I am sensitive and easily break a lot, especially this last incident. I truly do care about other people I just get so caught up in my own problems that I forget that I can't just use other people to make myself feel better. In a relationship I am passionate right off the bat, if someone interests me I will jump into the relationship and be all in until he hurts me and I fall hard back into reality. I can forgive a lot, but forgetting is a joke. I'll let just about anything happen to me once but I won't fall for the same mistake twice. I am way too trusting but it hasn't gotten me terribly burned yet, everyone that I have ever trusted have been trustworthy and dear friends. I have a habit of crying everytime someone close to me says that they love me, or that I deserve to be loved. I often think that my own love is all I need when the people directly around me all hate me based on my impulsiveness and care free attitude.

My chimes zodiac is the tiger and also fits me pretty well. I don't know how good of a leader I make, but I am adventurous and something that people often overlook with me is my generosity and compassion. I don't let my pride interfere with my life, if I want to do something that involves being around someone who hates me I'll do it anyway with a smile on my face and the most friendly attitude. Somehow I make a lot of friends, not in the town I live in but everytime I visit my old town I come back with another number in my phone.

I am very protective of my friends when it comes to other people, if someone is good enough to be my friend then how dare someone insult them. I say what's on my mind without thinking first, I am honest even when it's telling someone that I used them though they generally think I'm lying about the 'I'm sorry' part, even when I know it's going to make someone see me in a lesser light. I can spin a believable lie pretty well, but I can't keep a secret without it destroying me inside.
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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by ZeroIwasaki »

Sagittarius. Many traits that I see aren't really me. I'm more like a Capricorn, apparently, but I was born somewhat near the Scorpio/Sagittarius cusp. It's confusing.
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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by Eloranondra »

My sister is a scorpio which fits her perfectly, slow to trust and don't betray her! There are two quotes she found that she loves! "A scorpio will always make you feel like you're home, even if she wishes you were." And, "Some people are like slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you always laugh watching one fall down the stairs." Horrible, I know. But fits my sister perfectly! It's like the world in trapped in her eyes, they always seem haunted a bit.
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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by Circle »

I am a Cancer and I think my zodiac fits me pretty well. I try to hide when people start to attack me, but I can easily defend someone else that I care about.
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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by Miregold »

The horoscopes always says that aries are quick to start things but never really finish them, and that has never applied to me. Rather, I'm very slow at getting started, but once I've got it things get done at break-neck speed. Those projects are the ones that turn out the best. On the other hand, the projects that are slowly paced over a long period of time usually end up appearing less concrete and kinda half-arsed.

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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by sannesara »

I'm a Virgo and Tiger. I love being a Virgo, but it's kind of annoying how I over-analyze even the smallest things. Plus, there is this factor that when we get sick, we're more annoying than melodramatic hypochondriac tweens and I really hate being like that (getting better at suppressing it, though //confetti). Being a Tiger they say I'm an achiever, but truth be told, I'm an underachiever most especially in school. People keep on telling me I have the potential to be better-if not the best-but I just don't care. As long as I pass, I'm fine with whatever score I get. However, I AM short-tempered as they say Tigers are.
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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by Igloo »

I'm a Capricorn and I'm pretty happy about it but at the same time I'm not. Some things that they say are traits of Capricorns relate to me but others not so much
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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by Eircan »

I'm aquarius and the description TOTALLY fits my personality.
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Re: What do you think of your Zodiac?

Post by TimesRevolt »

Gemini . I don't really fit it at all lol and it's a bit weird I think.
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