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Re: Fire Emblem Guild!

Post by Foleo »


but knowing Intelligent Systems they'll just probably make the next fire emblem more borderline-porn and with even more appeal to the weaboo audiences 8^(

I feel like if they bring back old characters AGAIN, it'll feel kind of repetitive. I liked Conquest's system where awakening kids traveled here (MMM, ODIN x LASLOW ANGST), but the weird reincarnation system with Hoshido was just forcing it

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Re: Fire Emblem Guild!

Post by Reima »

I'm wondering how I'll be able to get Revealations. I don't know how to put money on my 3DS and I think it's E-shop only

But until then
This Signature looks so bad on mobile. Good lord it is HUGE. I'll need to work on that at some point. For now though I sleep
Any objections, Lady?
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Re: Fire Emblem Guild!

Post by MageLorelei »

Reima wrote:I'm wondering how I'll be able to get Revealations. I don't know how to put money on my 3DS and I think it's E-shop only
I think you can buy Nintendo E-shop gift card things in stores? Maybe amazon, too.


but knowing Intelligent Systems they'll just probably make the next fire emblem more borderline-porn and with even more appeal to the weaboo audiences 8^(

I feel like if they bring back old characters AGAIN, it'll feel kind of repetitive. I liked Conquest's system where awakening kids traveled here (MMM, ODIN x LASLOW ANGST), but the weird reincarnation system with Hoshido was just forcing it
I'M A WEEABOO BUT I WANT THERE TO BE AN EQUAL MIX BETWEEN WAIFU SIMULATOR AND BATTLE SIMULATOR. Awakening had a good mix, and I didn't feel I had to grind for hours to level up so I could complete the missions, which is how I felt in both Fates paths. Or the support convos, which I hate grinding for even more. That being said, I like the support conversations, because it gives depth to most of the characters, though not all (lookin' at you, Charlotte, Setsuna.) I wish there was another way of getting them. Maybe like setting two characters to train together, which builds relationships and gives a wee bit of exp. That would save some time. TBH, sometimes in the exp DLC, I just set everyone to auto and checked back occasionally instead of actually playing. Or with the extra battles in Hoshido. It really detracted from my game experience, because I wasn't enjoying it. Even in the Before Awakening DLC I could be a little hands-off as my characters got stronger. (ALL YOUR PEBBLES ARE BELONG TO US)

I think I'd also like better AI for the enemies. They aren't very... strategic always. It would confuse the hell out of me if, instead of attacking, an opponent waited in safety for a few turns and then ambushed me. A fog of war would be cool, too. Like, if you don't have a unit within their movement speed plus maybe one or two squares, you can't see what's going on. I think that would make it far more challenging, because you would have no idea what your opponent was doing... Many other strategy games have that, and, while it annoys me sometimes, in general it makes the game more challenging.

TL;DR: I agree with Foleo, and I would like more strategy in my psuedo-porn game.
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Re: Fire Emblem Guild!

Post by Iliad »

I.... don't want to be able to marry my family. :derp: Like, I know it's not technically your family and that's okay with some people, but it was just rather weird for me. And the children system was just like... maybe not... because it seemed incredibly thrown together and stuck in the game for not really any reason? It was really cool in Awakening because you know, future past, save the world, time travel. But it just seemed forced here.

I mean, if they took out the children system and made them adults, we could have had so many more (LESS AWKWARD, because for some reason it is also okay to marry your brother's child who is technically like a month old) marriage options without even having to marry our family. Like:
If you play Hoshido with a female avatar: Kaze, Silas, Azama, Izana, Hinata, Jakob, Shura, Saizo, Subaki, Hayato, Kaden, Yukimura, Rhajat, Dwyer, Grey, Hisame (16 options)
Or a male avatar: Felicia, Mozu, Kagerou, Setsuna, Oboro, Hana, Orochi, Reina, Scarlet, Sophie, Midori, Selkie, Mitama, Caeldori, Rhajat (15 options)

And like, looking at Nohr:
Female avatar: Kaze, Silas, Izana, Jakob, Shura, Laslow, Odin, Niles, Arthur, Benny, Keaton, Gunther, Dwyer, Ignatius, Percy (15 options)
Male avatar: Felicia, Mozu, Pieri, Selena, Beruka, Effie, Charlotte, Flora, Niles, Velouria, Soleil, Ophelia, Nina, Midori, Sophie (15 options)

I'm not even going to mention Revelations because there are So Many Options. ... So many that I may have missed some.

Obviously I've got no beef with people who did marry the royal family but GOOD LORD IS DON'T WE HAVE ENOUGH POSSIBLE PAIRINGS. JUST GET RID OF THE CHILDREN SYSTEM FOR A GAME THAT DOESN'T NEED ONEEEEEEE. I even left out a few possible options and the Very Important Children (also the royal ones) because I guess we might need them.

Also: (spoilered for minor revelations/families spoiler)
DID THEY REALLY, TRULY HAVE TO MAKE AZURA YOUR COUSIN. I swear to god, I went to the greatest lengths I could to make sure I didn't marry someone I was related to (like I said before because personally I don't really dig that) and I went with the safest option at the time, only to find out that SURPRISE WE ARE COUSINS. AND THE ONLY ACTUAL BLOOD-RELATED FAMILY IN THE ENTIRE GAME.
On another note, I like the new variety of modes. And by that, I mean I like the fact that they included Phoenix. I'm still gonna stick to my normal/classic because that's how I went through Awakening and I feel like that's about the extent of what I can handle, but I like that they added the option to go Phoenix. I mean it just seems kind of nice of them in a sea of... uh boobs.

Which is something that I also like slightly less, like Foleo said.
Like why do we have to have a several-second-long cutscene... just to look at Camilla's bust? And her butt? And her shapely legs? Like I get it IS. Please. Stop shoving this in my face (literally in the case of that one cutscene, which I'm not sure made it into the English version but I know is in the JPN, where the avatar is running down the hall with Elise and smacks into Camilla for a face full of boob). I love Kozaki's art and I love the cutscene styles BUT FILL THEM WITH SOMETHING OTHER THAN ONEESAN'S BOOBS ALL RIGHT.

Also please give us better map models. Tales of the Abyss for 3DS came out years ago and the models look more defined! I understand that TotA functioned relying heavily on the 3d scenes, but kind of so does FE. SO PLEASE MAKE THEM LOOK NICEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER. YOU ALREADY MADE THE ANIMATED SCENES SO PRETTYYYYYYYYYYY.

This turned into #salt, I am so sorry.

But also there were many good things about this game. The good things are: Niles, Niles's voice, Niles's face... Yeah, just kidding. But I totally married him in my Nohr file with no regrets (only slight regrets. Regrets that I DIDN'T GET THE CHILDREN). Also I actually legitimately jumped a few times while face-petting. Because I didn't know that if you wear decent earbuds it actually sounds like he's right behind you so I almost screamed on a crowded bus the first time it happened.
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Re: Fire Emblem Guild!

Post by xmands »

I agree, it got a little pandering to its audience!

I feel like most people think radiant dawn is trash but that was my FAVORITE game - I was so emotionally invested in the story
I loved that in one playthrough, there were multiple things going on, multiple sides of the story, and I felt really connected and invested in both the story & the characters.

I really like the premise of fates and thought it had so much potential but found the chapters kind of disjointed and not as compelling, overall, story-wise. there just seemed like there were too many plot holes and just... randomness? it wasn't a complete and congruent story to me, and I found some of the decisions (?) or story-lines hard to relate to or out of character/nonsensical
albeit, I have only finished birthright so far, so maybe the combination of all three will form a complete picture in my head (but still there were things that happened in birthright that I was like wtf... why. ridiculous??)

I also really like camilla but yeah .. her oversexualization got so old so fast. too much boobies! also way too many butt cheeks - why is female armor so revealing? I felt really weird staring at sophie's buttcheeks while she was riding around on her horse. too weird.

AND, yes yes yes - the children felt weirdly forced - not their characters necessarily, but the way they came about - and I also agree that I didn't like the "reincarnation bit" - it was nice seeing old faces, but at the same time I kind of wish it had shed its predecessor.
(seriously though how bizarre is it to like.. throw your child in a deeprealm and have them grow up and .. just.. visit them from time to time??????????? WHAT? what. WHAT. lol)

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Re: Fire Emblem Guild!

Post by Iliad »

xmands wrote:(seriously though how bizarre is it to like.. throw your child in a deeprealm and have them grow up and .. just.. visit them from time to time??????????? WHAT? what. WHAT. lol)
Their childhoods must have sucked big time.
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Re: Fire Emblem Guild!

Post by MageLorelei »

Imma just gonna say: TotA was awesome, and I love it to death. The art. The story. The characters I got emotionally attached to. Also, it's a Tales game.

Back to FE:

Yeah, the baby realms were... weird. Like, I like the idea of L being my butler, but it feels weird to look at them as potential spouses. I'm just thinking: "I was there when you were born, and now you're flirting with me/have a crush on me/whatever."

All the family members, um... cater to a very *specific* demographic. Maybe it made more sense in Japan, but here it just feels like they're trying to cater to those fetishes. I like the characters, but I still get a little skeeved out when I hear someone say "I'm totally marrying Elise. She's like a little kid." (I've actually heard somebody say this.)

The armor/clothes thing is very... I dunno. Sexist? It's common for women in Med/Fant settings to wear little to no clothes/armor in places that actually need to be protected. The closest we get to that with the males are the dark mages.

Also, am I the only one who finds the clothing mechanic for fights funny? Like, they end up fighting in just their underwear. In fact, Sophie's skill increases the chances of that happening. It just makes me giggle.
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Re: Fire Emblem Guild!

Post by xmands »

Alto wrote:
xmands wrote:(seriously though how bizarre is it to like.. throw your child in a deeprealm and have them grow up and .. just.. visit them from time to time??????????? WHAT? what. WHAT. lol)
Their childhoods must have sucked big time.
wait hahaha right?! like who would even be okay with that?

tbh lorelei, I didn't even think how weird it actually is to be able to marry the children!! you're right hahaha that just makes it that much more bizarre and ... just. wut.
can you imagine? peering into the cradle and being like "I will marry you in one month when you are my age"

there were some updates that I didn't love (if it ain't broke don't fix it kind of things) but I did kind of like the whole "personal skill" thing - some were really creative and fun!

although idk if this is just me (and I LOVE saizo, I married him) but WOW saizo your personal skill SUCKS. no thank you. stop trying to blow yourself up when you're already half dead, saizo pls

okay but overall I am complaining a lot but I still loved the game anyway, I am a sucker for fire emblem :t-sweat:
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Re: Fire Emblem Guild!

Post by Iliad »

MageLorelei wrote:Imma just gonna say: TotA was awesome, and I love it to death. The art. The story. The characters I got emotionally attached to. Also, it's a Tales game.

... that may or may not be the only thing I wanted to post but while I'm here I might as well say.
I really wish I could marry Kaze. Really a lot. He's one of my favorites (comparable to Niles) and I really wish I could marry him but alas. Only one gay marriage option for dude units in all the games.

Also about the armor discussion: I was really happy to see the dark mages. I think Foleo can attest to this (I think I actually messaged her about it screaming that the dark mages were really pretty? If I recall correctly). But yeah, it's kind of sad that battle bikinis are still a thing (like how Effie wears a thong under her huge armor set like how do you even ??) and along the same lines, I really wish they would get rid of the typical little girl character. Like the one that's always dressed very skimpily despite obviously at least physically being very young. We need more Lissas and hopefully fewer Nyxes and Nowis. Although I do love their characters I just think that the whole thing is sort of cringey.
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Re: Fire Emblem Guild!

Post by xmands »

OMG LOL ophelia's outfit is pretty, but makes me SUPER uncomfortable sending her into battle girl is that even practical?!

HMM what is this tales of the abyss? I must look into this (edit - just looked it up and one of the first things I see - order of lorelei!??! LOL)
[edit 2 - ooooh tales of symphonia - I tried playing that like EIGHT years ago (oh god) hahaha... I remember it being more final fantasy than fire emblem though? .. back to reading haha]

I LOVE kaze!! I really wanted to marry him and I was completely torn between kaze and saizo LOL
I guess I have a thing for guys missing an eye/eyepatches........ heeeeehhh
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