Tabletop RPG Guild (5e, etc)

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Re: Tabletop RPG Guild (5e, etc)

Post by Merkwerkee »

:t-pirate: I'd like to be a tabletop tomato

What name you go by: Merk
Favorite systems: Savage Worlds, Cerebos: the Crystal City, Demon Hunters: A Comedy of Terrors
Combat or RP?: RP
Favorite class: I like classless systems, but my favourite group role is Face
A character you've played before and a bit about them: Peepicheep is my character for the current campaign I play on Tuesdays. She's a mousefolk housecleaner who was forced to flee into the wilder parts of the continent after turning State's Evidence against a corporation; she's abhors messes and dirty things, and gets her charisma from being as cute as a bug's ear ^_^
She's also a spellcaster to a limited degree, and with her racial bite attack (rodent, yo) has already torn the throats out of two humans in this campaign. Also because she hates messes and being dirty our GM has of course sent her through a filthy ventilation shaft and the actual sewers once each during this campaign xD

Peep before leaving civilization
Peep currently
ImageThe tail is more correct in the first one

Edit: I was reading back in the thread and saw someone mention the World of Darkness; I played for several years in a campaign that was basically NWOD in Space. It was a multi-splat campaign where the Veil had fallen and Earth had been lost to the stars. Since it was fantastic future cyberpunk, people had given up on racism and sexism in favor of speciesism so being a supernat was illegal on all Core planets, and on all planets that wanted to join the Core. Part of our group's mandate was to help evac supernats from systems that were genuinely out to kill them to Rim planets where they were more welcome.

My character in that campaign was G. Doone, a wolfblood and the closest thing in the group to human xD He had tons of Wolfblooded "cousins" (they were a whole mafia) and all the fun guns because he basically had no magic or other gimmicks. He also had pets, two jellycats and a palmeranian (her name is Princess)

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Re: Tabletop RPG Guild (5e, etc)

Post by PaleoMage »

oh man I'm LATE late coming back here
faedemon wrote: October 30th, 2023, 2:15:06 pmi'm not familiar with the romhack, but noivern, crobat, and drapion are such perfect team members for a character like evan. so fun. it makes me want to put together hypothetical pokemon teams for various characters, lol
Oh yeah, it's super fun. Around the time of the PTU campaign I went back and made up teams for other characters I'd played, and some other people did ones for theirs... it was pretty neat. It's a fun way to explore a character's aesthetic and mindset.
faedemon wrote: November 2nd, 2023, 9:19:49 amas a GM i usually find it pretty easy to swap roles into different characters, because i view them more as set pieces, but as a player i find it really hard to get into character; i tend to just talk and act like myself. so it's been fun trying to come up with motivations for vik'tree, make them less like me, and get into their head while playing! a little challenge

do any of you guys have a similar difficulty or is playing a character easy for you?
I've only GMed one very short-lived campaign, but I feel much the same. With NPCs I'm not as worried about in-depth characterization; I just need to pick, say, an archetype and a personality quirk and stick to those. Whatever gets the job done and gives the PCs something to play off of. And then as a player I'm super indecisive about what to say and how, not only because it feels more consequential, but because I have the luxury of being able to overthink it instead of having my attention split five different ways at all times. :t-lol: Ironically, though, I feel like I often have a strong idea of a character's personality at the beginning of a game and then become less consistent and start playing myself as time goes on. I guess because trying to develop the character leads to drawing on more of my own life experience or lack thereof which makes the character more similar to me.

Aaanyway, I've really been struggling to find a place to start Evan storytime for those who were interested. :orly: Maybe a fun fact? He had particularly good dynamics with Colin (PC, ace trainer, childhood Pokemon journey interrupted by illness) and Sequoia (NPC, professor's assistant, struggles to overcome fear of failure). Evan and the other two were relatively more serious, reserved types, contrasted against the more energetic and/or airheaded characters. Evan and Colin had the strongest Pokemon-battling skillsets of the bunch, which also helped them get along well. Meanwhile, Evan and Sequoia had sort of a mutual respect for each other as the most aloof characters. :P

And hi Merk! I love the 0-100 of "clean freak mousefolk" to "has ripped two throats open". :haha:
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Re: Tabletop RPG Guild (5e, etc)

Post by Merkwerkee »

Oh she's still a clean freak! The blood she got on her fur drove her out of her mind until she cleaned off - fortunately she has desert fur, so she takes dust baths. Unfortunately, her fur means she has negative buoyancy and hates water :lol:

As far as a RPing as a player goes, I feel like Savage Worlds does you a solid there by firmly establishing several DOWNSIDES to your character instead of just ability score adjustments. Playing a -2 INT is harder in my mind than weaving in the Illiterate and Stubborn hindrances. Then again, I play a lot of RP-focused systems -- SWADE is reasonably crunchy, but DH:ACOT is a FATE-based system and Cerebos is literally a game about characters.

When one of the core tenets of your ruleset is "convince me why I should let your bullshit work" you tend to relax about character inconsistencies XD I run DH:ACOT oneshots at Gen Con and it tends to work fairly well

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