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Re: Lets get to know each other.

Post by loveseac »

Of course, it would be DrPepper! I love it a lot, drink all the time (not so healthy thing, though) and also mix with alcohol. I wonder how many people also like it so much.
I love all the types of junk food, even though it makes me suffer sometimes. I sometimes wonder what would I do if I had no McDonalds or Pepper in my city, where I have moved few months ago.

Do you prefer order or disorder?
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Re: Lets get to know each other.

Post by ggCyndicate »

Order, definitely. I don't like being around lots of strangers, party scenes, etc. Large groups of people talking/playing loudly bothers me, and I hate when people behave unpredictably, or what I see as unreasonably (worst example that immediately comes to mind - drivers that don't signal their turns).

I like when everyone understands that we let people out of the train before we pile on in. I like when people walk in through entrances and out through exits. Things like that :)

If you could move into any fictional world, where would you go?
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Re: Lets get to know each other.

Post by Pumpkin676 »

That's a very tough decision, but I think I'm going with Avatar the Last Airbender. I have loved that show ever since I was younger and I've always wanted to be a water bender.
Alternatively, a time traveler in Doctor Who. I absolutely love time travel, and Doctor Who is my favorite time travel universe. I'd go by vortex manipulator all around meeting lots of different people and getting to know other time travelers. I've always loved the idea of being a traveler and going all over the place but revisiting a few people every some number of years.

The power to see possible futures or to see what happened in the past?
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Re: Lets get to know each other.

Post by ggCyndicate »

Assuming I can control it at will, definitely looking into the future. I'd invest in all the best stock options at the right times, be a part time vigilante, and live my best life. If I was unable to control it, like I randomly got visions unprompted, I'd want to see the past. Because seeing a partial future, or learning about an upcoming thing that I have no reason to care about would be frustrating, so I'd rather randomly see things that are already done.

If you had to choose one or the other, would you want your irl pets (or future/hypothetical pets, if you don't have any now) to be big enough to saddle and ride, or small enough to hold in your hand?
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Re: Lets get to know each other.

Post by Against »

Good question, and very tough choice!
A ride-able dog or cat (or lizard!) would be very cool and I'd never feel unsafe at night again! But could you imagine how much a horse-sized dog would eat?? (Not to mention, excrete...?) :lol:

So, serious answer: The cat I'm looking to adopt is already a senior, I doubt it would be healthy for him to carry me regardless of size. He also doesn't like strangers, change or too much going on, in general. So riding around town would probably stress him out mentally as well.
That's why I'm choosing pocket sized! I'd still not carry him around too much, but getting him to the vet would be a lot easier. ^.^

Staying on topic, if you could have any Magistream Creature as a pet, regardless of safety concerns, which one would it be?
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Re: Lets get to know each other.

Post by ggCyndicate »

Oh man, there are so many! I'm going to settle on Angshonae because it's small enough to be a portable kind of pet, and "Any community with an angshonae in residence will see increased luck and prosperity in all areas of their lives." That sounds like something my family could use :D

My first impulse was to go for anything big, destructive, cool-looking, and mostly draconic in appearance :3

If you could bring back an extinct species (assuming there was a suitable habitat to support a community), what animal would you like to bring back?
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Re: Lets get to know each other.

Post by SeagullSongs »

Oh, that's tough to answer, but I have to say the Irish elk! Even just looking at their skeletons they have such a majestic presence, it would be amazing to get to see them brought back to life. I love deer in general, and all the ways they've found their way into human folklore all over the world.

Going with the trend of animal-themed questions, if you could swap the noises that two different animal species make (e.g. make all cats bark and all dogs meow), which would you swap?
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Re: Lets get to know each other.

Post by ggCyndicate »

Oh, fun! Common household roaches and pigeons can swap. So whenever there's a low, rumbling coo, I can hunt the little guys down more easily! And imagine the squeaky flapping pigeon noise going whenever a roach runs or glides! On the flip side, pigeons would be pretty quiet :)

(My initial answer was going to be scorpions and dogs, so dogs wouldn't bark anymore and scorpions would growl/bark before stinging, but then I remembered there are no scorpions where I live!)

Let's switch it up a bit!

If you were in high school/college right now, and you HAD to join a team/club, what would you join?
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Re: Lets get to know each other.

Post by SeagullSongs »

Clever thinking, there. I bet the cockroaches would be a lot less creepy that way, too

I'd definitely join fencing club! There was one at my university and I was SO miffed I never had the free time to do it :lol: I grew up fascinated by stories about King Arthur, The Three Musketeers, and Zorro, plus all kinds of medieval fantasy. So it's kind of been a childhood dream to learn how to swordfight. I hope I can make it happen someday!

What kind of natural environment makes you feel most at home?
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Re: Lets get to know each other.

Post by ggCyndicate »

Natural environment? That's tough, because I live in a city and I hate cities, so I'm usually indoors avoiding outside haha! But I'm picturing a lakeside with maybe a few trees for shade, flat land, little undergrowth, cool breeze. Maybe a little stream feeding the lake. Something that feels safe and comfortable, and a lake/stream would be the highlight for me :)

If location, time, and money were no object, what would be your favorite hobby?
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