Wiccan Witch Coven

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Wiccanism, and your belief? Are you... and I believe... Please select two top and bottom

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I believe wiccanism is A great thing to do,
' ' a thing that i don't really care about either way
' ' is crap! Get away from me!
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Re: Wiccan Witch Coven

Post by MightyOak »

Yeah, that's the thread I use, too. I haven't made anything as fancy as a friendship bracelet, though. Just a simple braid.

Any Solstice plans, everyone??
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Re: Wiccan Witch Coven

Post by Tamasa »

Besides surviving the end of the world? :woo:

Sorry, couldn't resist.

I've been making batch upon batch of apple butter and jarring it for gifts.
Other than that, I really hope that I'm going to be working, because I've been going the past three weeks without a paycheck after quitting my former place of work, and I have to wait until Monday to hear back after the interview i had on Thursday.
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Re: Wiccan Witch Coven

Post by MightyOak »

That sounds like a lovely gift idea. I don't have any plans yet. I may think some up at the last minute. I'll just have to wait and see.
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Re: Wiccan Witch Coven

Post by CheyenneWarrior »

Ok, I'm not a Wiccan, as I am a firm believer in science creating through universe therefore Gods and Goddesses I also don't believe in. Although the Wiccan Gods seem different so I am uncertain as to how I will, feel about them further along the line. Anyway, I'm trying to get into doing some of the practices, however don't have access to an altar, can't go to solstice, etc. as I am not an adult (I wont put my age). Therefore I am looking for some one more experienced to sort of guide and help me as I'm not really sure how go about it (over MS of course). So if anyone thinks they could help me then either post below or pm me, thanks. Oh and also like to join, but just as a member please.

Just here for a bit of role-playing.

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Re: Wiccan Witch Coven

Post by MightyOak »

We can answer questions you might have, but it is against Wiccan practices to train a minor without explicit permission from a parent or guardian. I myself am not Wiccan, though I'm familiar with their practices. I'm just pagan. You do not need "stuff" for any Wiccan ritual. All you ever truly need is yourself. Having an altar or a big gathering to go to are just options. The first step is always to read and learn. Learn as much as you can. If you come across something that doesn't make sense you can ask for clarification here and we'll do our best to clarify.
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Re: Wiccan Witch Coven

Post by GealachBuile »

As she said. If you want to learn about Wicca, you need to go and research it. We can clarify anything you find out though. You don't need anything- I myself have nothing but what I can scavenge- you just need intent. And guidance of course, that helps.

Well, what did everyone do over Yule? My coven had a nice little thing going... Then the curtains caught fire. Candles are fire hazards, no matter what.
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Re: Wiccan Witch Coven

Post by MightyOak »

Oh no! I hope there wasn't too much damage done! Other than to the curtains, obviously.

I ended up not doing anything for the Solstice. I was crazy busy with family obligations and when I wasn't I crashed in my corner and tried to decompress. I'm hoping to actually do a little something for Imbolc, though.
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Re: Wiccan Witch Coven

Post by GamingGal »

Okay, so, I've posted here before, but now I need......advice?


My girlfriend is into Angels. She has these cards which she uses to attempt in getting closer to her Guardian Angel and being in contact with them and all that good stuff. Recently we went to an independent bookstore/store-that-looks-prone-to-wiccans (had a bunch of candles and oils and rocks and gems and statues and things of that nature with books about it). She saw a book about Angels and I bought it for her. Upon skimming through it in the car it sounded hokey to me. Allow me to quote a part I faintly remember.

"You're standing in this garden. It's beautiful and has butterflies fluttering around. Many paths branch out and you choose one which leads you to a temple. A person greets you. Take note of their skin color, eye color, hair color, etc. They are your teacher."

It was SOMETHING like that. A bit further on it mentioned your teacher being a Fae or Elf. It mentions how they might lead you to this Library to discuss your past lives. The author mentions how she has visited some special field or something. All in all it sounded weird. Later on in the book it mentions power animals, Angels, Shadow Angels, a bunch of things.

Is she getting into something fake? Or dangerous? Is there any direction I should point her in?
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Re: Wiccan Witch Coven

Post by MightyOak »

It sounds like the beginning of a meditation. Most meditations start in a place and then have paths that lead elsewhere. It might be intended as a guided meditation, rather than just an outline. It also sounds much more specific than what I usually come across.

Things like, "You are in a place that you know and you find a path" is a more traditional start to a meditation than getting specifics of a butterflies and lots of paths. It allows the mind to find its own imagery. There are such things as internal temples, but building and/or finding one is a process in itself. The choice of seeking past lives is a personal one, but that is often found in a hallway with many doors, each door leading to a different life.

It sounds a bit advanced to me, if this is the first such book your girlfriend has in her possession. I might also suggest looking up the author online and see what sort of results you get and what sort of comments you can find. You might also consider simply reading the book without doing the activities suggested. This can give you a clear idea of what the author is trying to accomplish and if their style seems suited to you or her or not.

I would also caution you about dismissing where people say they have been. Meditation is a strange and bizarre and wondrous thing. It is a way to access your unconscious mind and the images that come with that can sound a bit outrageous if you've never done it or been through it.

Of course, if the author is saying all these things and they have nothing to do with meditation than I might be a bit concerned. I am assuming meditation from what you have said. If you read more of it and have more questions I would be happy to try to help or at least give my two cents. :t-^_^:
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Re: Wiccan Witch Coven

Post by GamingGal »

It mentions clearing your mind and meditating, you're right on that account. I can't remember the author's name and she has the book with her currently, so I'll be sure to google it next time.
Wish Central is OPEN! "Tiny curtains open and we heard the tiny clap of little hands
A tiny man would tell a little joke and get a tiny laugh from all the folks.
Sitting drifting around in bubbles and thinking it was us that carried them
when we finally got it figured out that we had truly missed the boat"
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